Drought Science and Indices: Canadian Theses

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Armstrong, Terence Edward; Roberts, Brian Birley, and Swithinbank, Charles. 1970. "Measurement of snowfall by radar. (Ph.D. research--McGill University). Ottawa, ON: Public Archives of Canada -- Microfilm; 197075.

Ash, C. H. B. 1991. "An Agroclimatic risk assessment of southern Manitoba and southeastern Saskatchewan." Masters thesis, 410 Pp. Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba.

Buxton, Gordon F. and Dumbroff, E. B. 1983. Drought tolerance and physiological mechanisms of resistance in northern coniferous seedlings: Final report. -- "Some physiological responses of three northern conifers to moisture stress." Masters thesis, 89 Pp. Waterloo, ON: University of Waterloo, Dept. of Biology.

Chipanshi, Aston C. 1995. "Monitoring the effects of drought on wheat yields in Saskatchewan." Ph.D. thesis. Saskatoon, SK: University of Saskatchewan; 1995.

Dey, Balaram and Chakravarti, A. K. 1973. "Synoptic climatological aspects of summer dry spells in the Canadian Prairies." Ph.D. thesis, 180 pp. Saskatoon, SK: University of Saskatchewan, Dept. of Geography.

Dunlop, S. 1981. "An Agroclimatology of Southern Manitoba" Masters thesis, 109 Pp. Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba.

Kumar, V. 1991. "Prediction of agricultural drought for the Canadian prairies using climatic and satellite data." Ph.D. thesis, 101 Pp. Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba, Dept. of Geography.

Oladipo, Emmanuel O. 1982. "On the spatial and temporal characteristics of drought in the interior plains of North America -- A statistical analysis." Ph.D. thesis, 275 Pp. Toronto: University of Toronto, Department of Geography.

Quiring, Steven M. 2001. "The Detection and prediction of agricultural drought in the Canadian prairies." Master's thesis. Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba, Dept. of Geography.

Quiring, Steven M. and Blair, D. 2000. The Utility of global teleconnections for long-range crop forecasting in the Canadian prairies. IN: Romanowski, J., Editor. Prairie perspectives: Geographical essays. Pp. 23-61 (39pp.). Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba.

Quiring, Steven M. and Papakryiakou, Timothy N. 2002. A Comparative performance analysis of agricultural drought indices for the Canadian Prairies. Presentation at Session 318 of: Proceedings of the 2002 Annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, May 29 --- June 1, 2002 // CongrĨs annuel de l'ACG. [Geoscience Canada: Proceedings of the Geological Association of Canada. 0072-1034; 2002].

Vance, Robert E. 1991. "A Paleobotanical study on Holocene drought frequency in southern Alberta." Ph.D. thesis, 181 Pp. Vancouver, B.C.: Simon Fraser University.

Weber, Lena. 1995. "Drought dynamics in the Southern Canadian Prairies." Ph.D. thesis, 291 Pp. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary, Department of Geography [Nkemdirim, Lawrence C., Supervisor.]

Wittrock, Virginia S. 1996. "The Influence of synoptic scale forcing on soil moisture over the Eastern Canadian Prairies." Masters thesis, University of Saskatchewan.

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This document is maintained by Laura Thygesen.
This information published to the web on November 15, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on April 11, 2013.