Procedures Manual for Watershed-Based Salinity Management

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 A comprehensive manual for assessing and addressing salinity on a watershed basis
This Manual describes procedures for identifying, evaluating and planning for the control and remediation of soil salinity in agricultural landscapes in Alberta.

The Manual emphasizes procedures that address salinity within the context of watersheds. Watersheds are natural landscape features that control the flow of water both on the surface and, to a lesser extent, in the subsurface.

The overall objective of the Manual is to provide a set of clearly structured guidelines and procedures that will help municipalities to address soil salinity concerns. These concerns include how best to assess the degree to which salinity is a problem, how to set goals for addressing salinity, and how to develop programs, policies and site-specific technical procedures for controlling and reducing soil salinity.

The Manual was initially prepared to document procedures developed for a Pilot Project undertaken in the County of Warner in 1995/96.

The 70 page manual published in 2001 is available as PDF file (1.56 Mb).

For more information, contact Tom Goddard.
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Karen Raven.
This document is maintained by Laura Thygesen.
This information published to the web on November 15, 2001.
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 29, 2018.