Agricultural Societies Program: Business Planning | |
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Agricultural societies have been in existence in Alberta for over 125 years. They were first formed to provide a means of educating the public on new agricultural technology, via the fair. Now they play many additional roles in their respective communities.
- Business Plan Template
It is important for an organization to know how they fit in a community, what their roles and responsibilities are and what their purpose is. This Business Plan template (available as a PDF document) can be a great way for directors to review their mandate in the community and have a plan to give to potential funders.
- Business Plan Reporting Template
A Business Plan Reporting template (available as a PDF document) a valuable tool for Agricultural Societies to fulfill their annual reporting requirement. |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Fred Young.
This information published to the web on December 15, 2006.
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 17, 2018.