Diseases of Barley - Viral | |
| Barley Stripe Mosaic
Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV)
What to look for?
Yellow stripes on seedling barley leaves. This seed-borne disease is of rare occurrence but still a certification requirement for barley seed entering into the US state of Montana.

Photo: Davidson | Picture description
Distinct stripes on barley leaves. | 
Photo: Evans | Picture description
Seedling leaves showing striping.
Virus disease spread is by leaf to leaf contact and possibly by pollen. |
Management strategy
Disease free seed.
A more complete description of Barley stripe mosaic virus.
Barley Yellow Dwarf
Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV)
What to look for?
Bright yellow flag leaves that show up in early- to mid-July. This disease is spread by many species of grain aphids and usually by the end of the growing season all of the barley crop may be infected. This same disease infects oats, wheat, rye and triticale.

Photo: Haber | Picture description
Yellow leaves that stand out in the crop. | 
Photo: Evans | Picture description
Bright yellow colour of flag leaves. |

Photo: Haber | Picture description
Severe strains and susceptible barley host cause grain failure. |
Management strategy
Use resistant cultivars. Most spring barleys are resistant to this virus.
A more complete description of Barley yellow dwarf virus.
Photographs and information assembled and prepared for AAFRD by Dr. Ieaun R. Evans Agri-Trend Agrology Ltd. |
Other Documents in the Series |
Diseases of Barley - Bacteria and Phytoplasma Diseases of Barley - Non-Infectious Diseases of Barley - Viral - Current Document
For more information about the content of this document, contact Harry Brook.
This document is maintained by Amrit Matharu.
This information published to the web on December 1, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 8, 2010.