Alberta Invasive Alien Species Management Framework

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The Alberta Invasive Alien Species Management Framework (Framework) and Risk Assessment Tool (RAT) are part of a pilot project by the Interdepartmental Invasive Alien Species Working Group (IASWG). The project’s purpose is better coordination and communication across the province for a consistent way to manage the risks of invasive species. The IASWG focuses on provincial initiatives and includes most Government of Alberta Ministries involved in land or resource management.

The IASWG is seeking feedback on the draft Framework and RAT. These will be posted on Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development’s website at for six months. Land users and managers are encouraged to review the Framework, try out the RAT to assess potential invasive species, and provide comments to the IASWG at until June 1, 2011. All comments will be reviewed and assessed for the final version of the Framework and RAT from the comments received.


Invasive alien species or invasive species are increasingly recognized for their global and local impacts to our economy, social values, and natural environment. They create a host of harmful environmental effects to native ecosystems that include the displacement of native species and the degradation or elimination of habitat. Currently there are gaps in our knowledge of invasive species and their impacts to Alberta’s economy. Certain invasive species impacts do not create a direct economic impact, but can create a secondary societal impact by creating human inconvenience or discomfort. Certain invasions impact human health, compromise aesthetic or other values, create foul odours, or change the use patterns of areas of the community. [ more ] How to use the Risk Assessment Tool

It is strongly recommended that the entire Alberta Invasive Alien Species Risk Assessment Tool is read prior to beginning the assessment of a species. The Alberta Invasive Alien Species Risk Assessment Tool documentation can be found here as a downloadable PDF:

Use the Risk Assessment Tool
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Pam Retzloff.
This document is maintained by Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on August 30, 2010.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 17, 2010.