Appendix II

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 Plant nutrient deficiency symptoms
NitrogenPlant light green with lower leaves yellowing, slow growing.
PhosphorusPlant dark green, developing a purplish color, slow growing, stunted.
PotassiumChlorosis developing at leaf tips, moving down the edges of the leaves and between the veins, symptoms developing on lower leaves first.
MagnesiumInterveinal chlorosis beginning on older leaves, chlorotic patches developing to be fairly large, 0.5 - 0.75 mm in diameter. Can also develop a reddish-purple hue at the margins of the chlorotic spots.
CalciumDeficiencies occur at growing points, young developing leaves at the terminal buds develop a "hooked" appearance at the tips, later leading to browning (tip burn) and die-back. Increased severe blossom end rot (BER) of fruit.
SulfurPlants light green in color over entire plant, symptoms can be confused with nitrogen deficiency. Nitrogen deficiency initially affects the older leaves first.
IronInterveinal chlorosis of young leaves, veins remain green giving a finely netted appearance to the leaves. Interveinal chlorosis will eventually spread to the older leaves.
ManganeseInterveinal chlorosis of young leaves. Manganese deficiency is difficult to distinguish from iron deficiency based on visual symptoms.
CopperYoung leaves permanently wilted, unable to stand erect. Eventually the growing point browns and dies.
ZincInterveinal chlorosis of new leaves that produces a "banding" appearance. As the condition progresses the new internodes shorten producing a rosette appearance at the tops of the plants.
MolybdenumDeficiency symptoms resemble nitrogen deficiency symptoms, older and middle leaves become chlorotic first. Margins of the leaves can develop a curled appearance, formation of flowers is restricted.
BoronAbnormal development of growing points, eventually becoming stunted and die.
ChlorineChlorosis of younger leaves and wilting of the plant and overall wilting of the plant.

Other Documents in the Series

  Guide to Commercial Greenhouse Sweet Bell Pepper Production in Alberta
Concepts Involved in the Optimization of the Greenhouse Environment for Crop Production
Components of the Greenhouse System for Environmental Control
Management of the Greenhouse Environment
Production of Sweet Bell Peppers
End of Season Cleanup
Pest and Disease Management in Commercial Greenhouses
Pests of Greenhouse Sweet Peppers and their Biological Control
Diseases of Sweet Pepper
Appendix II - Current Document
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Simone Dalpe.
This information published to the web on July 2, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 12, 2018.