Nitrogen | Plant light green with lower leaves yellowing, slow growing. |
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Phosphorus | Plant dark green, developing a purplish color, slow growing, stunted. |
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Potassium | Chlorosis developing at leaf tips, moving down the edges of the leaves and between the veins, symptoms developing on lower leaves first. |
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Magnesium | Interveinal chlorosis beginning on older leaves, chlorotic patches developing to be fairly large, 0.5 - 0.75 mm in diameter. Can also develop a reddish-purple hue at the margins of the chlorotic spots. |
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Calcium | Deficiencies occur at growing points, young developing leaves at the terminal buds develop a "hooked" appearance at the tips, later leading to browning (tip burn) and die-back. Increased severe blossom end rot (BER) of fruit. |
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Sulfur | Plants light green in color over entire plant, symptoms can be confused with nitrogen deficiency. Nitrogen deficiency initially affects the older leaves first. |
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Iron | Interveinal chlorosis of young leaves, veins remain green giving a finely netted appearance to the leaves. Interveinal chlorosis will eventually spread to the older leaves. |
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Manganese | Interveinal chlorosis of young leaves. Manganese deficiency is difficult to distinguish from iron deficiency based on visual symptoms. |
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Copper | Young leaves permanently wilted, unable to stand erect. Eventually the growing point browns and dies. |
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Zinc | Interveinal chlorosis of new leaves that produces a "banding" appearance. As the condition progresses the new internodes shorten producing a rosette appearance at the tops of the plants. |
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Molybdenum | Deficiency symptoms resemble nitrogen deficiency symptoms, older and middle leaves become chlorotic first. Margins of the leaves can develop a curled appearance, formation of flowers is restricted. |
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Boron | Abnormal development of growing points, eventually becoming stunted and die. |
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Chlorine | Chlorosis of younger leaves and wilting of the plant and overall wilting of the plant. |