Pesticides in Alberta's Agricultural Watersheds | |
| Pesticides are an integral part of agricultural production and agriculture is the largest user of pesticides in Alberta
with 97% of sales being used for this purpose in 2008. Producers in Alberta are legally responsible for safe
pesticide use under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, and producer awareness of pesticides is
very high. Monitoring studies have shown that pesticides are reaching Alberta's agricultural streams, including
irrigation water. While pesticide concentrations in surface water are generally low, they are commonly detected
and the potential risks to aquatic life and irrigated crop production are not completely understood. These findings
highlight the need for pesticide applicators to minimize the risk of mobilizing pesticides into surface water before,
during, and after spraying.
Topics include:
- How do pesticides get into the surface water?
- What we know and don't know about pesticides in agricultural surface waters
- What can you do to reduce the risks of pesticides entering surface waters
Pesticides in Alberta's Agricultural Watersheds
Pesticides in Alberta's Agricultural Watersheds: A Synthesis
For more information about the content of this document, contact Jennifer L Kerr.
This document is maintained by .
This information published to the web on November 26, 2012.
Last Reviewed/Revised on June 20, 2017.