Gone with the Wind - Too?

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 Gone with the Wind - Too? Part 1

An historical review of farming customs which contributed to soil erosion and the development of management practices that preserve soil integrity.
(Duration: 9:44 minutes)

Created By: Government of Alberta, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development

Gone with the Wind - Too? Part 2

Part two of the historical review of farming customs which contributed to soil erosion and the development of management practices that preserve soil integrity. (Duration: 7:53 minutes)

Created By: Government of Alberta, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development

Gone with the Wind - Too? Part 3

Part three of the historical review of farming customs which contributed to soil erosion and the development of management practices that preserve soil integrity. (Duration: 7:48 minutes)

Created By: Government of Alberta, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on July 5, 2010.
Last Reviewed/Revised on November 5, 2015.