Student Self Evaluation | |
| It is recommended that 10 % of a Green Certificate student trainee's graded mark come from a self-evaluation.
It is important that all parties be fair and reasonable in deciding what mark to submit. Please have each of the respective parties complete the following evaluation and submit them to you Green Certificate school representative prior to the next certification test. In each respective section, the evaluator is to place a mark on the line that they feel the student fairly and reasonably earned during the testing period. Then a specific two-digit number is to be entered after Mark =, e.g. if you marked between a 5 & 6 on the line then enter 55%.
In deciding what mark to give yourself, think about things like; how much effort you put into learning the skills; how much time you spent preparing for the test; how well you have cooperated with your farm trainer; and how well you have learned the skills and that you are required to know for the test.
Capable of Doing Better 1----2----3----4----5----6----7----8----9----10 Exceeded Defined Outcomes in a Self Directed Manner
Mark = _____ %
Student Signature: __________________________________
Date: ___________________________________
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Raelene Mercer.
This document is maintained by Lindsay Rodriguez.
This information published to the web on July 28, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on August 10, 2016.