Equine Technician (Level 1) Skill Set | |
| Curriculum Status: Approved for use in September 2009
The Green Certificate equine curriculum has been approved through Alberta Education and is ready for student use.
The curriculum covers:
- Maintaining Equine Health
- Safe Handling and Behaviour
- Maintaining Equine Facilities and Environments
- Administering Nutritional Programs
- Business Management Practices
- Employability, Communication and Safety
If you have general questions, please feel free to contact Raelene Mercer at 780-968-3551 or raelene.mercer@gov.ab.ca or your Green Certificate Regional Coordinator.
For Registration Information
- High school students should contact their school's off-campus education coordinator directly to indicate their interest in taking the equine specialty
- Off-Campus Education Coordinators can contact their Green Certificate Regional Coordinator
All of our specialties have a large network of people who work hard to make them successful. Trainees and trainers form the group of people who use the written material day-to-day, but without testers and program support the testing and training days would be much harder to organize.
If you're interested in becoming a trainee, trainer or tester, you may find our Frequently Asked Question document helpful. Specific questions about being a trainee, trainer or tester can also be directed to your Regional Coordinator.
Summarized Equine Skill Set
Horse Production | Handling | Facilities | Health | Nutrition | Business Management | Performance Horse

Horse Production
- Life, growth and reproductive cycles
- Breeding
- Euthanasia and disposal
- Breeds, colours and markings
Safe Handling and Behavior
- Basic equine anatomy
- Psychology, behavior and body language
- Stereotypic behaviors
- Ground handling
- Emergency situations
- Trailer loading and unloading
Maintain Equine Facilities and Environment
- Stabling and general facility equipment
- Care and maintenance of tack
- Trucks, trailers and safe transport
- Biosecurity and facility protocols
- Facility maintenance
- Bedding and feed storage
- Manure management and environmental stewardship
- Watering systems
- Field and pasture maintenance
Maintain Equine Health
- Body condition score
- Injuries, lameness and unsoundness
- Conformation faults and blemishes
- Basic first aid and alternative therapies
- Assess temperature, pulse and respiration (TPR)
- Vaccination and disease prevention programs
- Dental requirements
- Grooming and hoof care problems
- Regular health maintenance
Administer Nutritional Programs
- Nutritional and water requirements
- Administer daily nutritional routine
- Assist in designing a feeding program to performance and breed requirements
- Keep accurate feed records
Understand and Apply Business Management Practices
- Employability skills and professionalism
- Accounts payable and receivable
- Animal welfare concerns
- Stable management routine
- Computer and technology skills
- Records management
- Office and business administration
Manage the Performance Horse
- Safe tacking procedures
- Care and storage of tack
- Blanketing procedures
- Assist with warm-up and cool down routine
Questions about the Equine Curriculum?
Raelene Mercer – Green Certificate Program Coordinator
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
Office: 780-968-3551
Fax: 780-968-3554
Email: raelene.mercer@gov.ab.ca
Toll free in Alberta 310-0000 then 780-968-3551
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Raelene Mercer.
This document is maintained by Lindsay Rodriguez.
This information published to the web on November 7, 2007.
Last Reviewed/Revised on February 22, 2016.