| Information for applicators
- There are a limited number of pesticides registered for use on horticultural crops
- Commercially registered chemicals require an individual to possess a pesticide applicators license
- When selecting a chemical, consider the following:
- Availability of the product
- Cost of the product and the application
- Mode of action of the chemical (systemic vs. contact, soil application or seed treatment, etc.) Affects both duration of activity and safety issues (PHI)
- Range of pests controlled by the chosen chemical
** There is no one chemical that can take care of all pests. Proper identification of the pest will ensure proper product selection **
Before using a registered chemical, read and follow the pesticide label, as the label contains the following important information:
- Safety precautions, equipment, etc.
- Appropriate application rates
- Application timing and optimum conditions
(e.g. pre-bloom, pre or post-emergent, critical temperatures, etc.)
- Application restrictions (frequency, total number, etc.)
- Pre-harvest intervals
- Pest controlled or suppressed by pesticide
** Electronic labels of all currently registered pesticides can be found on the Pest Management Regulatory Agency website using a simple PMRA Product Search Engine **
** For more detailed information on the specific chemicals, contact the manufacturer **
When using a registered chemical:
- Follow directions for mixing, application, safety, etc.
- As a courtesy, notify neighbouring properties/individuals
If you suspect that you are the victim of drift (Herbicide, Insecticide, Fungicide)
Document the following information:
- Time and date of the suspected application
- Weather conditions at the time of application
- The type of chemical applied (if possible)
- Symptoms and affected species (be specific)
- Take pictures
- If other people have or may have been affected, get a report from them
Contact Alberta Environment & Parks to report the problem (800-222-6514).
Rapid reporting increases likelihood that something can be done (within 24hrs).
In the case of fungicide or insecticide application, consult pesticide label for safe pre-harvest intervals (for your safety and peace of mind).
Prepared by Robert Spencer, Ag-Info Centre, Alberta Agriculture & Forestry |