Example of Multi-Car Savings on Wheat to Vancouver | |
Conditions | Rate/tonne | Savings |
CP Indus |
Single Car Shipment | $31.33 |  |
Block of 56 Cars | $27.33 | $4.00 |
Train of 112 cars loaded in 24 hours | $24.33 | $7.00 |
CN Lyalta |
Single Car Shipment | $28.26 |  |
Block 0f 50-99 cars loaded in 10 or 24 hours | $25.26 | $3.00 |
Train of 100 Cars loaded in 10 or 24 hours | $21.26 | $7.00 |
A full description of these rates are shown in the appropriate railway tariffs.
The Grain Monitor reports the proportion of grain moving in multi-car blocks was 93.7% in the first quarter of 2007/08. Of this 74.5% moved in blocks of over 50 cars. |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Chuanliang Su.
This information published to the web on September 7, 2006.
Last Reviewed/Revised on September 10, 2012.