| Overview | Licensing | Ownership | Straying of Domestic Cervids | Permits | Records and Reporting | Tagging | Containment | Links
The Livestock Industry Diversification Act came into effect on November 1, 2014, along with the Domestic Cervid Industry Regulation (DCIR).
Under the legislation, all authority for the administration of domestic cervids moved from Environment and Parks (EP) to Agriculture and Forestry (AF). Domestic cervids are considered livestock animals and not wildlife, even if they stray off the farm, except in very limited circumstances (see “Ownership” section below).
Hunting of domestic cervids, on or off the farm is prohibited.
- Domestic Cervid Farm Licences are issued for a term of five years.
- An application for a Domestic Cervid Farm Licence is required every five years.
- The fee for the Domestic Cervid Farm Licence is $100 per licence.
- Under the DCIR, ownership of a domestic cervid that strays from the domestic cervid farm will remain with the domestic cervid operator provided:
- the stray domestic cervid is visually identifiable as a domestic cervid;
- the cervid farm has a valid licence; and
- in the case of an unidentified calf, it must be accompanied by an identified female on which the calf is dependent.
- The domestic cervid operator also retains liability and responsibility for their animals while they remain at large.
- Wildlife collection licences are not required for an operator to retrieve or capture their own stray domestic cervid and:
- All capture activities must be done in accordance with the DCIR and the provisions set out in the Wildlife Act.
- No capture activities shall pose a threat or risk to wildlife.
Straying of Domestic Cervids
- An operator is required to immediately report the straying of a domestic cervid to the Inspection and Investigation Section (IIS) of AF at 1-866-252-6403.
- Any person who kills a stray domestic cervid, is required to immediately report the killing to the Inspection and Investigation Section of AF.
- If a stray domestic cervid animal has been accidentally shot by a hunter during hunting season, the hunter is not entitled to retain the domestic cervid carcass, or any part of it. The operator will be contacted by AF, and it is the responsibility of the operator of the licensed domestic cervid farm to retrieve the carcass.
- All permits expire 30 days after the permit is issued, including import permits.
- Import Permits
- Import permits are required for the importation of live prospective domestic cervids into Alberta.
- Wildlife Import permits (issued by AF) are required for domestic cervids being brought into Alberta for slaughter only.
- The fee for an Import permit is $20.
- Export Permits
- Export permits are only required for hard antler with skull plate attached and for live animals; however, the federal movement permit is accepted as an export permit for live domestic cervids.
- There are provisions in the DCIR for AF to issue Export permits for other than hard antler of a domestic cervid if requested by an exporter.
- The fee for an Export permit is $20.
- Stray Kill Permits
- There is a requirement for a Stray Kill permit if a stray animal is to be killed, although there is an exemption when acting alone, for one person who is named on the farm licence and who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the farm.
- The operator can apply for a Stray Kill permit over the phone in an emergency situation only, by calling the Inspection and Investigation Section at 1-866-252-6403.
- Anyone operating under the authority of a Stray Kill permit must, immediately after the killing of the domestic cervid, surrender the carcass with the complete hide, skull plate, and antlers to the operator.
- The operator is required to immediately report the killing to Inspection and Investigation Section.
- No person other than the operator may possess the carcass or parts of a stray domestic cervid animal that has been killed.
- Permits are not required in order to possess domestic cervid parts such as velvet antler. Domestic cervid parts must be accompanied by documentation that demonstrates proof of origin, the identity of the animal, and the farm from which the parts originated.
- No permits are issued by AF for transportation of domestic cervids in Alberta as the federal movement permit satisfies the DCIR transportation record requirements; to ensure appropriate traceability mechanisms are in place for live animals, the person transporting, shipping, or moving the animals is required to carry a record detailing information about the date, contact information of the operator and consignor, farm licence number, details of the destination, the number of animals transported, and a statement that none of the animals transported are subject to any quarantine order that restricts their movement.
Records and Reporting
- Domestic cervid farm operators are required to keep up-to-date inventory records noting all domestic cervid births, acquisitions, dispositions, and deaths for a minimum of 10 years.
- Operators are required to notify AF within 30 days of discovery of lost or missing tags. Notify the Licensing Office of the Inspection and Investigation Section of the lost or missing tags.
- Operators have 90 days in which to report changes to farm inventories. Changes can be made by the submission of the Elk Inventory Certificate, or by contacting the Licensing Office of IIS.
- There are two reporting dates for inventories. They are: January 31 for elk and velvet antler inventories, and April 30 for all other cervid inventories such as deer.
- The operator is required to report the movement of their animals within seven days of the movement occurring by submitting a copy of the completed Federal Movement permit to the Licensing Office, or reporting the movement by calling the Inspection and Investigation Section.
- The DCIR provides for alternative methods of identification, if approved by the Minister.
- Tags are available through the Licensing Office of the Inspection and Investigation Section, AF.
- A domestic cervid animal on farm that has lost its ear tag shall remain an identified domestic cervid providing the loss is reported to the Licensing Office within 30 days.
- Velvet antler is required to be tagged prior to leaving the farm.

Figure 1 – Example of domestic cervid ear tag

Figure 2 – A visually identifiable domestic cervid
- A domestic cervid is considered to be in containment when:
- held on a domestic cervid farm
- being transported
- held in a temporary holding facility
- A stray domestic cervid is considered in containment providing the animal is identifiable, or in the case of a calf, is accompanied by an identifiable female domestic cervid that the calf is dependent upon.
- No domestic cervid shall remain in a temporary holding facility for a period of time that exceeds 30 days unless the operator has submitted a written report to the Inspection and Investigation Section indicating the intention, the animal’s registration certificate and tag numbers, licence number of the farm, and contact information of the where the animal is being held.