Managing Livestock in Challenging Times

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 Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) provides information, expertise and strategies to asist Alberta livestock producers who are coping with market and weather challenges.
Each year producers are faced with having to make critical and strategic decisions concerning their operations, both financially and agronomically.

To assist producers with their decision-making process, ARD provides decision-making information, including:
  • updated information related to production options on Ropin’ the Web
  • working with our Extension Partners to provide expertise and knowledge at speaking events/opportunities;
  • providing a list of private sector feed companies on Ropin’ the Web’s General Store
  • cow calf-enomics seminars held at various locations across the province
Producers participating in Agriculture Financial Service Corporation’s (AFSC) risk management programs are also encouraged to speak with their AFSC representative for more information.

Finding Information
To help you manage during dry conditions, and for further information:

The Alberta Ag-Info Centre (310-FARM) and Agriculture and Rural Development’s ‘Ropin’ the Web’ website ( provide producers with many sources of information to help in making decisions.

Read the extensive information under “Options for Producers under dry conditions” at

Call the Ag Info Centre toll-free in Alberta at 310-FARM (3276).

Contact AFSC at or by telephone at 1-800-396-0215 for information about crop insurance, AgriStability, and lending options.

Seek out information you need from producer meetings, the Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development booth at fairs/trade fairs, feed and nutrition suppliers, agricultural associations.
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Barry Yaremcio.
This document is maintained by Mary Ann Nelson.
This information published to the web on September 30, 2009.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 14, 2018.