Rural Alberta Factsheets | |
| The following series of rural Alberta factsheets are based upon the 2011 census. These and other Alberta Official Statistics can be found at the Office of Statistics and Information.
Aboriginal Identity: changes in Aboriginal population
Education: educational attainment in rural Alberta
Health Service Providers: per capita healthcare provider
Population Change: changes in Alberta's rural and small town population
Labour Force: labour force participation rates
In a fifteen year analysis of Census data from 1991 to 2006, this series of factsheets provides information on rural and small town Alberta, based on categories of metropolitan influence. Click the titles to see the factsheets.
Population Change: changes in Alberta's rural and small town population
Aboriginal Identity: changes in Aboriginal population
Labour Force: labour force participation rates
Education: educational attainment in rural Alberta
Healthcare Providers: per capita healthcare providers |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Humaira Irshad.
This document is maintained by Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on May 28, 2010.
Last Reviewed/Revised on November 27, 2014.