Alberta Fusarium Action Committee: Terms of Reference | |
| Mandate:
The main goal of the Alberta Fusarium Action Committee is to:
Provide recommendations to the Pest Surveillance Section (PSS) of Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, on issues arising from FHB caused by Fusarium graminearum (Fg) and provide suggestions for best management practices.
These recommendations can also include suggestions to inform legislation or policy. The PSS will then forward the recommendations to the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry for consideration.
How the Committee Operates:
The committee consists of a chairman appointed by the Minister and voting representatives from stakeholder organizations relating to crop production, industry and government.
This Committee recognizes that each committee member will follow directives received from their respective stakeholder group(s), which they represent.
Decisions are derived by consensus or by a majority vote (for the actual outcome) with each appointed representative present at a duly constituted meeting having one vote.
Consensus may be established when there is not complete agreement but where members can live with the decision on a recommendation.
Consensus occurs when;
- All agree
- All may not completely agree, but all can live with the recommendation.
- Some may strongly disagree with some point within the context but can accept the recommendation due to the need for action.
- Some may disagree with the recommendation, but can see that most other stakeholders do agree and therefore will agree to become part of the majority.
* Consensus is not reached when at least one committee member strongly disagrees with, and refuses to accept, the recommendation.
A majority vote is where more than half of the voting members are in favor of a decision, i.e. 51% or more are in favour and 49% or less are against. In the event of a tie vote the chair can cast the final vote.
Members of the Committee that are absent from a meeting will be considered as being in agreement with decisions arising from the meeting.
Recommendations arising from meetings will indicate whether consensus was reached or whether a majority vote was required. Additionally, in the case of a majority vote, those stakeholder groups that voted in favour and those that voted against will be noted.
Minutes will be distributed to members within two weeks of the last committee meeting. Action items from preceding meetings will be followed up and evaluated at the following meeting(s).
Sub-committees or ad-hoc committees will be formed when there is a need for a focused effort regarding an area of concern or a particular initiative (e.g. 2010 FHB survey initiative). Where possible, the sub-committee or ad-hoc committee will report back to the main committee with a written report and recommendations.
All memberships are voluntary and there is no monetary compensation for attending or contributing to the committee.
Special guests can be invited as needed, and with committee approval, to address concerns relating to F. graminearum. Guests do not have voting privileges.
The chair will call meetings as needed.
Members’ roles:
- To make recommendations to the PSB regarding the management of Fusarium graminearum. Periodic reports reflecting Fusarium Action Committee initiatives/member specializations may be developed that deal with new or emerging information
- To contribute knowledge, experience and expertise in developing recommendations to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
- To contribute knowledge, experience and expertise needed in updating the Fusarium graminearum Management Plan for the benefit of the overall agricultural community in Alberta
- To identify possible research needs targeted at improved management of Fusarium graminearum in Alberta
- To report/share within affected or interested stakeholder organizations knowledge and program direction gained from the Fusarium Action Committee
- To enhance the profile of the Fusarium issue and to their respective groups/communities
Membership composition:
The committee needs to consist of stakeholders from industry, federal and provincial governments and other interested parties with a view to represent the interests of the entire province
Members need to confirm their representatives annually.
If a member cannot attend a meeting, then an alternate from the same organization can be appointed to attend with voting privileges. A committee member can join a committee meeting by teleconference, and retain voting privileges, if unable to attend in person. It is the assigned member’s responsibility to inform the alternate of any proceedings or information necessary to prepare for the meeting.
The following organizations have been designated as having one voting member:
- AAAF (AB Association of Agricultural Fieldmen)
- Provincial Agricultural Service Board
- AAMD&C (Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties)
- ASGA (Alberta Seed Growers Association)
- Alberta Seed Processors
- AB Corn Committee
- CSTA (Canadian Seed Trade Association)
- Alberta Beef Producers
- AB Barley Commission
- Alberta Wheat Commission
The membership was selected to be inclusive to a broad range within the Agricultural sector in Alberta in order to have balanced input and to best protect the province from FHB.
All information will be circulated to members at meetings, via email or by regular mail. Items will not be distributed to the general public unless approved by the Minister of Agriculture.
The Fusarium Graminearum Management Plan and Terms of Reference are listed on the Government of Alberta Website: http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/app21/infopage?cat1=Diseases%2FInsects%2F Pests&cat2=Crop Diseases
Alberta Ag-Info Centre
310-FARM (310-3276)
Gayah Sieusahai
Chair: Fusarium Action Committee
Pest Regulatory Officer Policy and Regulatory Affairs Section
Crop Research and Extension Branch
307 J.G. O’Donoghue Building
7000 – 113 Street Edmonton, AB T6H 5T6
For more information about the content of this document, contact Gayah Sieusahai.
This document is maintained by Amrit Matharu.
This information published to the web on June 30, 2014.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 17, 2018.