What's New - Climate Smart Agriculture | |
| New programs | Climate change leadership | Carbon levy | Farm stewardship centre...
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| Check back here often for updates about Alberta's Climate Leadership Plan, Agricultural implications of the carbon levy, new programs to help farmers and ranchers deal with climate change, demonstrations at the Farm Stewardship Centre to help farmers and ranchers save costs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and more information as it becomes available.
New Programs
A number of programs that use provincial and federal funds to help farm operators save energy costs and lower emissions are outlined on the Programs and Initiatives page. New programs to help manage climate change concerns are also being developed.
One of the five programs that the new Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) will deliver will support for Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change. Launched on April 3, 2018, this five-year federal –provincial-territorial investment replaces Growing Forward 2 to encourage strategic programs and initiatives for the agricultural sector.
In December 2017, $1.4 billion in provincial Climate Leadership Plan funding was announced to continue the transition to a diversified, low-carbon economy. More than $81 million over the next four years is now being made available for the agriculture sector through the Climate Leadership Plan and the federal government. For more information visit the the Farm Energy Agri-Processing Program (FEAP).
Climate Change Leadership
The Climate Leadership Plan is a made-in-Alberta strategy to lower greenhouse gas emissions while diversifying the economy and creating jobs. A key aspect of the Climate Leadership Plan that came into effect on January 1, 2017 was a new economy-wide carbon levy on fossil fuel emissions. Programs that access provincial and federal funding are available to help farm operations lower emissions and save on energy.
Canada has committed to lowering greenhouse gas emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. This pledge to reduce emissions on a sector basis is outlined in the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. All sectors that affect greenhouse emissions are expected to do their part to lower emissions.
Carbon Levy
An important aspect of Alberta's Climate Leadership Plan that came into effect on January 1, 2017 is a carbon levy on carbon-based or fossil fuel emissions. Revenue from the levy will pay for the transition to a more diversified economy to fund: efforts to lower emissions, develop renewable energy projects and green infrastructure, research and innovations and rebates for Albertans to offset cost increases.
Marked or dyed fuels used by farmers and ranchers for on-farm operations (diesel and gasoline) are exempt from the carbon levy. Other fossil fuels used by farmers and ranchers such as natural gas, propane, heating oil, coal and aviation fuel are not exempt from the levy.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) gives an overview of how levy exemptions will work and what you can do to lower the impacts of the levy.
Facts and Myths factsheet explains on-farm costs of the carbon levy using examples for custom trucking, grain drying, electricity use and fertilizers.
Alberta Farm Fuel Benefit Program certificate use for the carbon levy exemption is explained in a Call of the Land interview.
Farm Stewardship Centre
The Farm Stewardship Centre has installed a new 15-kW solar photovoltaic (PV) system and upgraded lighting to save energy and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Staff at the Farm Stewardship Centre develop, support and deliver programs that fund energy-efficiency improvements and renewable energy on Alberta farms and also explore innovative ways to help farmers and ranchers make informed decisions about environmental stewardship. |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Sheilah Nolan.
This document is maintained by Laura Thygesen.
This information published to the web on January 9, 2017.
Last Reviewed/Revised on July 18, 2018.