Normal Growing Season Precipitation Patterns | |
| RTW This Week has created a weekly feature of weather station data available from Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD). Ralph Wright from ARD's Agro-Meteorological Applications and Modelling Unit provides the near real time station data maps of the Province.
Normal Growing Season Precipitation Patterns.
The following map shows 1971-2000 normal, bi-monthly growing season precipitation patterns across the province.

When does Spring Precipitation typically arrive
After the drier winter months (October-March), moisture weather patterns first start showing up in April, across the extreme southwestern portions of the province. By early May, much of the west-half of the province, south of Grande Prairie is emerging from the drier winter months. Across the Peace Region and through parts of eastern Alberta, a return to moisture weather patterns is typically delayed until about mid May.
Typical, wettest 4 weeks period in the year
Across most of southern Alberta and along the foothills, on average, the last-half of May and first two-weeks in June are usually the wettest four-week period in the year. Calgary and north, the wettest four-week period typically starts during the last-half of June, ending towards mid-July. Across the south a distinct drying trend begins in July, often marked by extreme temperatures. In contrast, across the rest of the province, July and August tend to be relatively wet.
Maps are updated weekly on Rop’in the webs AgroClimatic Information Service (www.agric.gov.ab.ca/acis)
For more information, contact:
Ralph Wright
Agro-Meteorological Applications and Modelling Unit
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
Ph: 780-427-3556
Email: ralph.wright@gov.ab.ca |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Ralph Wright.
This document is maintained by Laura Thygesen.
This information published to the web on September 28, 2010.
Last Reviewed/Revised on March 10, 2015.