Feeder Associations of Alberta: Frequently Asked Questions | |
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1. How do I participate in the feeder association program?
Answer: Contact the association in your area to obtain a membership application. A listing of local associations is available on-line.
2. Can I finance the purchase of my own calves and feed them under the program?
Answer: Yes, a feeder’s own calves may be purchased by the feeder association and fed by that feeder. Up to 100% of the value of the weaned calf can be financed in this way.
3. Why do calves have to be branded to be fed under the program?
Answer: Calves purchased and fed under the program are the property of the feeder association and when sold are sold in the name of the feeder association. The proceeds of sale are first applied to the loan account of the feeder and the balance or surplus funds are then provided to the feeder.
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4. Why are government inspectors involved in the program in addition to association staff?
Answer: The Province of Alberta provides a guarantee to each association’s lender. This means that if there is a default on the loan the lender can request repayment from the Province up to the maximum of the specified guarantee for the association. This guarantee allows the lender to provide financing to the association at a very competitive rate, but also means the Province must manage the risk it has taken on and an audit and inspection system is one way it does that. |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Dace Cochlan.
This document is maintained by Karen Hladych.
This information published to the web on May 1, 2007.
Last Reviewed/Revised on June 28, 2016.