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Federal Government and Agencies | Provincial Supervisory Boards across Canada | Province of Alberta

Federal Government and Agencies

  • Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
  • Farm Products Council of Canada

    The Farm Products Council of Canada (FPCC) is a federal government body, established in 1972 under the National Farm Products Act and the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. It was created to review the operations of the marketing system for Canadian farm products. Before 1972, marketing boards for poultry and eggs existed only at the provincial level. It was difficult for each province to control the supply of its agricultural products, influxes from other provinces and especially from the United States. As a result, farmers and consumers faced dramatic swings in product supply and pricing.

    Following enactment of the National Farm Products Act, poultry and egg producers established national agencies to control product supplies. The legislation allowed federal agencies to enter into agreements with provincial governments to mesh federal and provincial marketing authority. A major role of FPCC is to review the operations of the marketing agencies to ensure that they set supply in the balanced interests of all parties, from producers to consumers.

    In addition to reviewing the operations of national agencies that run orderly marketing systems for poultry and eggs, the FPCC is also responsible for establishment and supervision of national promotion-research agencies, such as the Canadian Beef Cattle Research, market Development and Promotion Agency that is currently being established for the beef industry.

  • The National Association of Agricultural Supervisory Agencies

    Marketing Council is also a member of the National Association of Agricultural Supervisory Agencies. NAASA is made up of federal, provincial and territorial Marketing Council managers, or their respective equivalents. The members meet or report to one another regularly throughout the year, update each other about developmental work, and share news and ideas about developments in their respective orderly marketing systems. In addition to developing a better understanding of members' orderly marketing systems, NAASA members provide updates on what their governments are doing in connection with other issues of importance to members, such as negotiating Federal/Provincial Agreements and establishing a beef research-promotion agency.

Provincial Supervisory Boards across Canada Province of Alberta
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Lisa Bussieres.
This document is maintained by Amrit Matharu.
This information published to the web on January 12, 2011.
Last Reviewed/Revised on June 25, 2018.