Alberta Yards & Gardens: What to Grow | |

Agdex 200/32-1
Alberta Yards & Gardens: What to Grow discusses what grows best in Alberta, whether it be:
- ornamental trees and shrubs
- small fruits and berries
- flowers
- vegetables
- herbs
- water plants
The hobby gardener and the serious horticulturist need help dealing with Alberta’s challenging growing conditions, in either large rural gardens or small city gardens; this resource can provide that support. Colour-coded charts provide a wealth of information.
236 pages |

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Woody Ornamentals
Home Landscape Planning and Design
How to Plant
Pruning Notes
- Basic Pruning Principles
- When to Prune
- Deciduous Trees
- Coniferous Evergreens
- Vines
Browning of Evergreens
- Autumn Needle Shed
- Drought Damage
- Winter Injury
Recommended Trees and Shrubs
Recommended Trees and Shrubs - chart
Height Selector Chart
Flowering Crabapples
Flowering Crabapples - chart
Winter Hardiness
Planting and Growing
Roses - chart
Tree Fruit
Fruit Production
Recommended Tree Fruit
- Apples
- Apples - chart
- Apricots, Pears & Plums
- Apricots, Pears & Plums - chart
Bush/Small Fruit
Getting Ready
Recommended Bush Fruit
- Sandcherry Plum Hybrids
- Bush Cherries
- Sour Cherry
- Currants and Gooseberries
- Other Berry
- Grapes
Native Fruits
- Saskatoon
- Chokecherry
- Pincherry
- Buffaloberry
Recommended Small Fruit
- Lowbush Blueberries
- American Highbush Cranberry
- Raspberries
- Rhubarb
- Strawberries
Annual & Biennial Flowers
Planning Flower Beds
Starting Transplants
Handling Seedlings
Planting and Maintenance
What to Grow in Alberta
Annual Flowers - chart
Speciality Gardens
Container Gardening
- Considerations
- Planting
- Ideas for Container Gardening
Butterfly Gardens
Bird Garden
Water Gardening
- Water Gardening - chart
- Wintering Aquatic Plants
Spring Flowering Bulbs
- Selecting Bulbs
- Location
- Planting
- After Flowering Care
- Tulip
- Narcissus
- Crocus
- Scilla
- Other Spring Flowering Bulbs 42
Summer Blooming Bulbs
- Gladiolus
- Tuberous Begonia
- Dahlias
- Cannas
Planting a Perennial Bed
Winter Care
- Iris
- Lily
- Garden Chrysanthemum
- Peony
Ground Covers
What to Grow in Alberta
Perennials - chart 156
- Grading
- Timing
- Starting Seed
- Feeding
- Mowing
- Preparation
- Laying Sod
- Initial Care
Recommended Mixtures and Rate of Seed Application
- Where Lawns Can Be Watered
- Where Supplementary Water Is Not Available
- Low Maintenance Grasses
- Extra Protection
- Planting Tips
Selector Charts for Planting by Date
Vegetable Planting Information - chart
- Recommended Vegetable Cultivars
Herb Gardening
Planning and Planting
Propagating Herbs
Harvesting Herbs
Preserving Herbs
Herbs - chart
For more information about the content of this document, contact Rita Splawinski.
This document is maintained by Jennifer Rutter.
This information published to the web on May 1, 2001.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 21, 2019.