(NOTE: for weed problems in specific crops see the CROPS or HORTICULTURE sections). |  |
. |  |  | Format |  |
Agdex No. | Title |  |  |
. |  |  |  |  |  |
640-4 | Weeds of the Prairies. $25.00. |  | purchase info |  |
640-6 | Scentless Chamomile: Biology and Control. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
640-9 | Weed Seedling Guide (2nd Edition). $10.00. Revised 2016. |  | purchase info |  |
640-10 | Common Winter Annual Weeds in Alberta. |  | hardcopy only |  |
640-11 | Invasive Plants in Alberta: Aquatic Systems. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
640-12 | Invasive Plants in Alberta: Riparian Areas. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
640-13 | Invasive Plants in Alberta: Herbicide Resistance. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
640-14 | Invasive Plants in Alberta: Acreages. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
640-15 | Invasive Plants in Alberta: Forages and Hay Land. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
640-16 | Invasive Plants in Alberta: Urban Areas . 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
640-17 | Invasive Plants in Alberta: Transportation of Equipment. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
640-18 | Invasive Plants in Alberta: Fencelines and Road Allowances. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
640-19 | Invasive Plants in Alberta: Horticulture Industry. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
640-20 | Invasive Plants in Alberta: Organic Systems. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
640-21 | Invasive Plants in Alberta: Native Rangeland. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
641-1 | Biological Control of Weeds on the Prairies. 2000. |  | html | pdf |  |
641-14 | Water Quality for Mixing Herbicides. 2003. |  | html | pdf |  |
641-15 | Control Options for Downy Brome on Prairie Reclamation Sites. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
642-3 | Integrated Weed Management Principles: Reducing the Risk of Crop Failure. 2004. |  | html | pdf |  |
258 / 642-1 | Guide to Weed Control in Potatoes. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
275 / 641-1 | Weed Management in Tree Nurseries. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
277 / 645-1 | Weed Control for Alberta Shelterbelts. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
519-15 | Foxtail Barley Control in Direct Seeding Systems. 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
519-27 | Controlling Quackgrass in Direct Seeding Systems. 2000. |  | html | pdf |  |