Beekeeping in Western Canada | |

Agdex 616-4
Whether you are thinking about keeping bees or you are an experienced beekeeper, Beekeeping in Western Canada has what you need to manage honey bees successfully.
Learn about:
- getting started in beekeeping
- spring management of bees
- winter feeding
- honey extraction
- honey bee health
- marketing your beeswax, pollen and honey crops
The provincial apiculturists in Canada’s four western provinces have filled this publication with the best information on keeping bees in the West.
172 pages |
Copies of this book may be purchased by:
- Online credit card purchase, click here.
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Table of Contents
- Foreword
- Acknowledgements
- The Honey Bee
- the Importance of Pollination
- Honey Bee Classification
- Biology of the Honey Bee
- Colony Food Requirements, Collection and Processing
- Getting Started in Beekeeping
- What is Beekeeping?
- The Sting
- Purchasing Bees
- Basic Beekeeping Equipment
- The Colony Examination
- Expanding the Operation
- The Apiaries Act
- Nectar and Pollen Plants
- Supplementary Feeding
- Carbohydrate Supplements
- Protein Supplements
- Supplying Water to Honey Bee Colonies
- Spring Management
- Selection of Apiary Site
- Apiary Layout
- Field Records
- Bulk and Package Bees
- Wintered colonies
- Checking Colonies
- Feeding Colonies
- Requeening Wintered Colonies
- Equalizing Colony Strength
- Uniting Colonies
- Dividing Colonies
- Moving to Summer Apiary Sites
- Apiary Maintenance
- Space Requirements and Supering
- Drawing Foundation
- Use of Queen Excluders
- Two-queen Colonies
- Swarming
- Removing Honey from the Hive
- When to Remove Honey
- Robbing
- Removing Bees form the Honey Supers
- Loading and Movement of Honey Supers
- Honey
- Composition
- Viscosity
- Moisture Content and Hygroscopicity
- Granulation
- Maintain Honey Quality
- Fermentation
- Heating and Storage
- Extracting the Honey
- Honey House Considerations
- Components of the Honey House
- Handling Beeswax Cappings
- Rendering Beeswax Cappings
- Marketing the Crops
- Marketing Honey
- Marketing Beeswax
- Marketing Pollen
- Marketing Other Hive Products
- Fall and Winter Management
- Robbing
- Package Operations Using Calcium Cyanide to Kill Colonies
- Wintering honey Bee Colonies
- Outdoor Wintering
- Indoor Wintering
- The Queen
- Natural Requeening
- Laying Workers
- Requeening as a Management Tool
- Methods of Queen introduction
- Banking Queens
- Queen Cage Candy
- Queen Rearing
- Honey Bee-Health
- Honey Bee Brood Diseases Anomalies in Colony Condition
- Mites
- Insect Pests of Honey Bee Colonies
- Unwelcome Intruders
- Pesticide Poisoning of Honey Bees
- Appendices
For more information about the content of this document, contact Rita Splawinski.
This document is maintained by Jennifer Rutter.
This information published to the web on April 25, 2001.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 23, 2019.