Manure Management Update

  From the December 10, 2018 issue of Agri-News
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 Roller compacted concrete, challenges of manure application, and new technologies are just some of the topics to be covered at the Manure Management Update taking place January 14, 2019, in Lethbridge. Lynda Miedema, nutrient management specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF), looks at the event and what information producers will find.

The update will feature Jeff Schoenau from the University of Saskatchewan and Kevin Erb from the University of Wisconsin.

“Jeff Schoenau will be speaking about overall manure management and he will also be discussing challenges of manure application,” explains Miedema. “Kevin Erb will be talking about a couple different things - one will be custom manure applicator associations and how they are managed in the U.S. He will also be discussing some of the new technologies he has seen in his area.”

Barb Archibald with AF will be discussing the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. Says Miedema, “She will touch on some of the changes with the program, and more specifically, the environmental stewardship and climate change programs for producers.”

Miedema adds that roller compacted concrete, used as a pen floor amendment, is another topic at the event. “A lot of people in southern Alberta are becoming interested with its use in feedlots particularly, so we are going to have a couple people discussing that as well.”

Two concurrent afternoon sessions have been added to the day. “We want to offer a little more to our audience,” she says. “One session will be dealing more with the facility side of manure management. Some of those topics we are going to be looking at is phosphorus filters, greenhouse gas emissions, fly management, and catch basins.”

The other session will look at field application, including speakers who will be discussing vehicle safety, hauling, and loading. “We will also look at nitrogen inhibitors and then some apps and tools that people can use in the fields helping with their manure application decisions. Speakers from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada will be on hand to discuss soil health and some of the research going on in the area.”

Register for Manure Management Update 2019, or call 1-800-387-6030. Early bird registration deadline is December 21, 2018.

Alberta Ag-Info Centre
310-FARM (3276)

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Lynda Miedema.
This document is maintained by Christine Chomiak.
This information published to the web on December 7, 2018.