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snack28347Hort Snacks - November 2018
snack28233Hort Morsels - Bits and Pieces - Hort Snacks - October 2018
snack28232Disease of the Month - Various (Potato) Tuber Rots
snack28231Insect of the Month - Different Thrips species
snack28230Mentoring - What is your role?
snack28228Things to Do / Things to Think About This Month - October 2018
snack28227Hort Snacks - October 2018
snack28145Hort Morsels - Bits and Pieces - Hort Snacks - September 2018
snack28144Disease of the Month - Post-Harvest Physical Injury
snack28143Insects of the Month - Home Invaders - Roots Weevils and Maple Bugs
snack28142End-of-Season Checklist for Managing Late Blight
snack28141The Farmer's Role in Informing/Educating the Public
snack28139Things to Do / Things to Think About This Month - September 2018
snack28138Hort Snacks - September 2018
snack28039Hort Morsels - Bits and Pieces - Hort Snacks - August 2018
snack28038Disease of the Month - Aspen/Poplar Tree Leaf Spots / Splotches / Blights
snack28037Insect of the Month - Non-pest Pests - Wasps/Yellow jackets/Hornets and Hawthorn Lace Bugs
snack28036Employee Empowerment and Retention Through Sowing Carrots
snack28035People Management Tips
snack28033Things to Do / Things to Think About This Month - August 2018
snack28032Hort Snacks - August 2018
snack27927Hort Morsels - Bits and Pieces - Hort Snacks - July 2018
snack27926Disease of the Month - Heat / Drought related Deformities
snack27925Insect of the Month - Leafminers
snack27924The Effects of Severe Weather on Horticulture Crops
snack27923The Effects of Hail on Fruit and Vegetable Crops
snack27922Reaching Your Customers
snack27920Things to Do / Things to Think About This Month - July 2018
snack27919Hort Snacks - July 2018
snack27818Hort Morsels - Bits and Pieces - Hort Snacks - June 2018
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