| This information has been made available by Agriculture Financial Services Corporation.
The October 20, 2011 Crop Report is also available as a PDF file on the AFSC website.
Prepared by:
James Wright
Business Risk Management Division
Actuarial & Program Readiness
AFSC, Lacombe
Telephone: (403)782-8336
Harvest is slowly approaching completion with 91% of the crops in the bin. Producers in the South, Central and NE regions are basically completed while producers in the NW and Peace Regions have been slowed by cool, wet weather forcing many to harvest their crops in tough and damp condition requiring drying.
2011 Provincial Harvest Progress (% Combined)

Quality estimates have declined since last report but remain at average to above long term provincial averages. The incidence of ergot this year is much higher than average in all regions.
2011 Provincial Quality Estimates

Subsoil moisture levels have improved slightly since last report to 8% poor; 30% fair; 45% good; 17% excellent.
Region One: South (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
Harvest is virtually complete with principally later maturing crops such as sugar beets and flax remaining outstanding. The region received a general rain since the last crop report which substantially improved sub soil moisture to 48% rated good/excellent from 33%. Fall seeded crops are performing well with 80% rated in good/excellent condition.
Sub soil moisture is rated 11% poor; 41% fair; 40% good; 8% excellent.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
Harvest is close to completed. Most acres that remain outstanding are in the western portion of the region. Sub soil moisture ratings have declined as central and eastern portions are becoming dry. Sub soil moisture is rated 3% poor; 31% fair; 46% good; 20% excellent.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
Harvest is close to completed. Crops remaining to be harvested were either delayed due to hail damage or canola with green seed issues. Sub soil moisture ratings have declined since last report to 16% poor; 36% fair; 45% good; 3% excellent.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
Producers have made good harvest progress in the last 10 days despite the cool, damp weather. Harvest was initially delayed by the delayed maturity during the growing season. Sub soil moisture has declined slightly since last report to 10% poor; 33% fair; 55% good; 2% excellent.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
Producers have made good harvest progress in the past two weeks as they encountered delayed maturity early and now cool, wet weather conditions. Much of the crop is now being harvested tough and damp and requires drying. Sub soil moisture ratings are unchanged from the previous report at 0% poor; 6% fair; 37% good; 57% excellent.
Prepared by Agriculture Financial Services Corporation, in cooperation with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. For more information, please contact the writer, James Wright. |