Alberta Crop Report - June 5, 2008 | |
| This information has been made available by Agriculture Financial Services Corporation.
The June 5, 2008 Crop Report is also available as a PDF file on the AFSC website.
Prepared by:
James Wright
Project Manager
Research and Program Development
Lacombe, AB
Telephone: 403-782-8336
Cooler temperatures continue to predominate this spring. Precipitation was received in all areas of the province with the greatest amounts in the south and became progressively less as you proceeded north. Crops are approximately 7 days behind normal growth for this time period due to the cooler temperatures this spring which delayed the start of seeding and is currently affecting plant emergence and growth.
Seeding is estimated to be 98% complete with mostly silage and greenfeed acres yet to complete. 80% of the crop has emerged with principally the later seeded feed grains remaining to emerge at this time. Spraying is 20% completed and has been slowed by windy weather and wet fields.
Crop Emergence

The precipitation of the past two weeks has improved soil moisture and hay and pasture ratings. Subsoil moisture is rated 12% poor/ 27% fair/ 49% good/ 11% excellent/ 1% excessive representing a 7 percentage point increase in the good/excellent rating from May 22. Pastures and tame hay are rated 11% poor/ 25% fair/ 54% good/ 10% excellent showing a 10 percentage point increase in good/ excellent ratings. Crop Condition Ratings will be available with the next Crop Report of June 19.
Southern Alberta
The entire region received significant precipitation during the reporting period in amounts of 50 – 100 mm, with some areas receiving more. The rain has been very beneficial for soil moisture and hay and pasture growth. Seeding is 98.6% completed with emergence at 80.1%.
Subsoil moisture is rated at 4% poor/ 21% fair/ 53% good/ 21% excellent/ 1% excessive , showing a 45 percentage point increase in the good/excellent ratings from May 22. Pasture/hay conditions are rated 3% poor/ 23% fair/ 57% good/ 15% excellent. These latest forage crop ratings represent a 28 percentage point increase in the good/excellent ratings.
Central Alberta
The region experienced cool temperatures and frequent precipitation events in the form of showers or light rain. Moisture ratings have improved on the eastern side of the region along the Saskatchewan border but continue to be quite dry. Seeding is 96% completed with 73.6% emerged.
Subsoil moisture is rated 8% poor/ 29% fair/ 41% good/ 20% excellent/ 2% excessive. This represents a 2 point increase in the good/excellent categories over the past two weeks. Pasture/hay condition ratings reflect a 12 point increase in the good/excellent ratings to 6% poor/ 25% fair/ 55% good/ 14% excellent.
North East Alberta
The region received cool windy weather with occasional showers. Significant precipitation is needed in all areas in order to maintain good crop growth potential. 98.5% of the crops have been seeded with 86.8% emerged.
Subsoil moisture is rated 24% poor/ 39% fair/ 34% good/ 3% excellent, down 2 points from May 22. Pasture ratings are down 6 points from May 22 at 30% poor/ 36% fair/34% good. Hay ratings are unchanged at 30% poor/ 29% fair/ 37% good/ 4% excellent.
North West Alberta
Most areas in the region received 12 – 35 mm of precipitation which was insufficient to maintain previous ratings. More precipitation will be needed very shortly to avoid further declines. Seeding is 97.5% completed with 78.7% emerged.
Subsoil moisture ratings have dropped 16 points from May 22nd to 21% poor/ 32% fair/ 44% good/ 3% excellent. Hay and pasture crops are rated 16% poor/ 32% fair/ 48% good/ 4% excellent, which represents a drop of 3 points in the good/excellent rating.
Peace River Alberta
The region received precipitation in the form of sporadic showers to light rain. The amounts were enough to bring on improvements in the subsoil and forage crop ratings. 99% of the crop has now been seeded with 81.1% having emerged.
Subsoil moisture is rated 2% poor/ 15% fair/ 74% good/ 6% excellent/ 3% excessive. These values represent a 5 point increase in the good/excellent ratings from 2 weeks ago. Hay and pastures are rated 3% poor/ 13% fair/ 76% good/ 8% excellent, up 7 points from May 22. |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on June 10, 2008.