Canadian Wheat Board

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What services will the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) offer in the future?
  • The CWB has publicly stated that they are committed to marketing grain for western Canadian farmers. They have introduced a number of products to market wheat and barley, including two pools, the ability to lock in futures and basis prices, and deferred delivery cash contracts.
  • A full listing of these products and daily cash price offerings from the CWB are available at online.
  • The CWB is seeking out handling agreements with grain handling companies throughout the prairies. An agreement with Cargill is already in place and the CWB is currently negotiating similar agreements with other companies.
How will the CWB compete with grain companies?
  • The CWB is looking to build on its strengths as a grain marketing organization. The CWB has 75 years of experience, a global reputation, strong brand and a large customer network that can provide value to the farmers that choose to do business with them.
What will happen to the federal government guarantees to the CWB?
  • For the five-year transition period, the federal government will continue to offer initial payment guarantees and borrowing guarantees to the CWB. The initial payment guarantees apply to any of the 21 grains (as defined under the Canada Grain Act) that the CWB may choose to market in a voluntary pool during the transition period.
Who will look after farmers’ interests in trade disputes on wheat and barley?
  • The CWB has represented farmers in some trade disputes in the past. They may choose to do this in the future or other organizations may also play a role. These organizations may be commodity groups, industry groups, farmer organizations, federal and provincial governments, or some combination of these.
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Neil Blue.
This document is maintained by Erminia Guercio.
This information published to the web on May 31, 2012.
Last Reviewed/Revised on May 26, 2014.