Crop Conditions as of October 23, 2018 (Abbreviated Report)
After a virtual harvest stand still, with recent higher temperatures and warm winds aiding the progress, producers have welcomed the turn in weather and the provincial harvest experienced a bit of thrive (See Map). At this time last week almost 50 percent of this years’ harvest was complete. This weeks’ survey shows an increase of 28 per cent moving up to 78 per cent of the crops in the bin. Both the North East and North West moved up 35 points, the Peace and Central moved slightly over 30 and the South moved up 11 points. (See Table 1). Provincially, 22 per cent of canola has been swathed. With the exception of the Peace region, the majority of peas have been harvested. Harvest has normally progressed past 90 per cent and not reported on at this time so five year averages are not available. We can however, make a comparison to 2016 crop year where provincial progress was 3 points behind the current 78 per cent. Harvest numbers are substantially improving and producers are relying on a promising forecast to close out this year’s harvest season.
The fields that were flattened by snow are proving difficult to pick up and are slowing down harvest. Some of these acres may end up baled or grazed. Livestock producers are happy to be able to finally turn cattle into stubble fields to augment their feed supply. The moisture received in September and early October is now filtering down to a sub-surface level and ratings of good have increased 4 percentage points (See Table 2).

The 2018 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- 85 per cent of major crops are combined and 7 per cent are in the swath.
- Canola is a bit behind with 77 per cent harvested and 12 per cent swathed. Peas and potatoes are virtually harvested, sugar beet estimates are 67 per cent, dry bean estimates are 62 per cent with a few grade concerns.
- Fall seeded crops are rated at 32 per cent fair and 65 per cent good or better.
- Surface soil moisture rated as poor is 12, fair ratings are 48, and good is at 40 per cent.
- Sub-surface soil moisture rated as poor is 26, fair 52, and good ratings are 22 per cent.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- 75 per cent of major crops are combined and 14 per cent are in the swath.
- Canola is on par with the major crops at 73 per cent harvested and 18 per cent swathed. Peas are essentially harvested.
- Fall seeded crops are rated at 35 per cent fair and 63 per cent good or better.
- Surface soil moisture rated as fair is 14, good ratings are 60, and excellent ratings are 24, with 2 per cent rated as excessive.
- Sub-surface soil moisture rated as poor is 11, fair 23, good ratings 52, and excellent ratings are 14 per cent.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- 79 percent of major crops are combined and 13 per cent are swathed.
- Canola harvest is at 72 per cent in the bin and 23 percent in the swath with some parts of the region reporting high green seed counts and wheat coming in as feed. Peas are nearly done.
- Fall seeded crops are rated 50 per cent fair and 40 per cent good or better.
- Surface soil moisture rated as good is 53, excellent ratings are 46, and 1 per cent excessive.
- Sub-surface soil moisture rated as fair is 9, good ratings are 43, and excellent are 46 with 2 per cent rated as excessive.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- 67 percent of major crops are combined and 22 per cent have been swathed.
- Very little standing canola with 51 per cent harvested and 47 per cent in the swath. Swaths are showing some green counts. Reports of reduced grades and tough grain coming in. Peas are pretty much all harvested.
- Surface soil moisture rated as fair is 5, good ratings are 51, excellent ratings are 37, and 7 per cent excessive.
- Sub-surface soil moisture rated as poor is 4, 43 fair, good ratings are 22 and excellent are 31 per cent.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- 76 per cent of major crops have been harvested and just 10 per cent are in the swath.
- Canola harvest is at 72 per cent binned and 19 per cent swathed. Peas are at 84 per cent complete.
- Surface soil moisture rated as fair is 1, good ratings are 65, excellent ratings are 26, and 8 per cent rated as excessive.
- Sub-surface soil moisture rated as poor is 2, fair 8, good ratings are 60, and excellent are 24 with 6 per cent excessive.

Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section.
The 2018 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191
