July Estimate of Production of Principal Field Crops Alberta, 2010

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 Collected from a variety of sources, the Statistics and Data Development Branch monitors statistical indicators of agri-food activity for Alberta. The Agri-Food Statistics Update is designed to provide users with commentary on current issues, trends and new developments related to agriculture and the food and beverage processing industries. Up-to-date statistics are supplemented with informative charts and diagrams. To gauge Alberta’s performance, comparative data and information are often available for Canada and the provinces.
Please visit the following website for a complete listing of Agri-Food Statistics Update releases:

Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Economics and Competitiveness Division, Statistics and Data Development Branch.

On August 20, 2010, Statistics Canada released its report entitled "July 31 Estimate of Production of Principal Field Crops, Canada, 2010”. The Alberta estimates were generated from a Statistics Canada survey of 3,802 farms in the province, during the period from July 26 to August 3, 2010.

Based on the Statistics Canada report, total production of principal field crops in Alberta in 2010 is projected at 18.63 million tonnes. If realized, this would be up 20 per cent from a year ago, and 18 per cent above the 10-year average (2000-2009). This stems from higher yield projections and an increase in total harvested area. Crop growing conditions in the province this year have been mainly favourable. The exception is the Peace Region, where crop yields are below average, due to dry conditions. Also, there were some crops lost due to flooding, mainly in the Southern Region.

Provincial average yields are mostly projected to be higherthan in 2009, and their 10-year averages. Just to caution, these estimates reflect yield potentials at the time the survey was conducted. Also, crop development this year is 10-20 days behind normal in the Southern Region, and 7-10 days behind normal in the Central, North East and North West Region.

The July 31 estimate is preliminary and is the first of three production estimates planned by Statistics Canada. A second set (September estimate) is scheduled for release on October 4, while the November estimate, which contains the final production statistics for 2010, will be released on December 3.

Please download the above mentioned pdf to get the complete document.

August 25, 2010
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Ashan Shooshtarian.
This document is maintained by Rita Splawinski.
This information published to the web on October 3, 2013.