2017 Elm Bark Beetle Surveillance Results

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 Alberta has the largest Dutch elm disease (DED) free stand of elms in North America. In an effort to preserve this status, the Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease (STOPDED) has undertaken a project of annually monitoring for elm bark beetles (EBB) capable of vectoring DED throughout the province.
Alberta monitors for the following invasive alien EBBs:
  • Smaller European Beetles (SEEBB) (Scolytus multistriatus, Marsh)
  • Native elm bark beetle (NEBB) (Hylurgopinus rufipes, Eichh)
  • Banded elm bark beetle (BEBB) (Scolytus schevyrewi)
SEEBB, NEBB and the DED pathogens are declared pests under the Agricultural Pests Act. (APA)

Monitoring for the vectors involves setting up large white sticky traps baited with host and beetle odors on vertical structures (utility poles, non-elm trees, etc.) in villages, towns, cities, nurseries and Provincial parks across Alberta. All US/AB Ports of Entries are also monitored with these sticky traps. EBB monitoring season runs from April 1st to Sept. 30th.

Please follow this link for the full report.

Follow this link for the historical records for elm bark beetles caught in Alberta since 1994.

For further information about the efforts to keep Alberta Dutch elm disease free contact:

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Shelley Barkley.
This information published to the web on February 26, 2018.