| Shortly after the Right of Entry Arbitration Board became the Surface Rights Board in 1972, the then Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Hugh Horner, had the vision to develop a Farmers' Advocate Office (FAO) "to advise the farmers in relation to their legal rights, not only in relation to [the Surface Rights Act], but other acts which affect the rights of a farmer in relation to expropriation of his property." (H. Horner, Hansard, April 11, 1972)
For the past 40 years, the FAO has been a resource to Alberta farmers and ranchers. The FAO's work has extended well beyond the original mandate to include information dissemination and dispute resolution on a broad variety of rural issues. In addition, the office has served to create stronger linkages between Alberta farmers, ranchers, and decision-makers. Today, the FAO continues to bring forward common issues to help ensure the concerns and interests of rural Albertans are recognized, and provides process advocacy helping farmers and ranchers navigate government systems and programs.

Click here for a PDF of this chart.
About the Farmers' Advocate of Alberta - Peter J. Dobbie, Q.C.
Peter J. Dobbie, Q.C., was appointed as the Farmers’ Advocate for Alberta in April of 2012 bringing to the position many years of experience as a lawyer advising farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses, and as a resident of rural Alberta. Peter holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Western Ontario, as well as a Bachelor of Laws and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Alberta.
For more than 20 years, he was a Vegreville based partner in a large Alberta law firm and carried on the practice of law advising farmers and agribusinesses in financing, purchase, sale, leasing, surface rights, dispute resolution, succession planning and estate administration matters, giving him direct knowledge of and experience with agricultural issues and challenges and related laws and regulations. He has authored and presented several articles and seminars on agricultural law related topics for the Legal Education Society of Alberta and the Canadian Bar Association.
A very involved parent and citizen, Peter also has many years of experience as a volunteer with organizations including the Rotary Club of Vegreville, the 4-H Foundation of Alberta, the Vegreville and District Chamber of Commerce, Regional Economic Development Board and as a Commission Member on the 2009 -10 Alberta Electoral Boundaries Commission.
Annual Reports
2013-14 Annual Report
2014-15 Annual Report
2015-16 Annual Report
2016-17 Annual Report
Contact Us
Farmers' Advocate Office (FAO)
Telephone: 310-FARM (3276)
Fax: 780-427-3913
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Ag Info Centre 310-FARM (3276)
Disclaimer: Information found on this website is intended to be for information purposes, and should be used as a guideline only. Please notify the FAO if discrepancies are noted. |
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