Project Listing 2012-2013

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 Project Listing for 2012-2013
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The following project listings are also available in a downloadable excel format (here).

Project Title ObjectiveCommitment($)ProgramOrganizationSpeciesFiscal Year
Finalizing a Risk Assessment of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) transmission to Humans using Non-Human PrimatesFinalizing an ongoing study to assess the risk of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) transmission to humans using non-human primates.
Research & DevelopmentCanadian Food Inspection Agency 2012-13
Determination that livestock are not responsible for the high prevalence of campylobacteriosis in southernwestern Alberta: a system based approachDiagnostic polymerase chain reaction will be used to identify important reservoirs, and ascertain impacts on human health and the importance of recrudescent infections. Host specificity and genetic hypervariability will be examined in vivo using wild avian and livestock hosts.
Research & DevelopmentAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2012-13
Identification of genetic markers for rumen microbial function, an accelerate approach to improve feed efficiency in beef cattleSupplying a comprehensive understanding of the roles of rumen metabolic processes and rumen microbes in relation to feed efficiency. The goal is to develop industry acceptable approaches to improving feed efficiency in beef cattle.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of Alberta 2012-13
Understanding the mechanism of “Brachyspira hampsonii” dysentery to identify virulence factors for vaccine targets“Brachyspira hampsonii” is a recently discovered pathogen causing production limiting, bloody diarrhea in grow-finish pigs. This research is aimed at understanding how “B. hampsonii” infection causes diarrhea, and discovering virulence factors that contribute to disease that could be used to develop novel vaccines.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of Saskatchewan 2012-13
Development of a broad-spectrum porcine vaccine for bacterial respiratory pathogensEvaluating whether systemically administered TbpB-based vaccines are capable of preventing disease by eliminating colonization, or whether addition of toxin-derived antigens are also required to achieve the desired efficacy. Development of a commercial vaccine has the potential to eliminate carriage and circulation of these pathogens.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of CalgaryPork2012-13
Marker assisted management in the feedlot using ADH1C genotype and a reduced level of vitamin A supplementation to achieve consistency in marblingImproving the quality of beef is an ongoing goal. Precision feeding based on an animal’s genotype can improve carcass quality, specifically marbling. A gene variant in ADH1C was identified, where the TT genotype was fed a lower level of vitamin A and graded AAA or higher. Feedlots could use this marker-assisted management to market animals for high levels of marbling to improve profits.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of SaskatchewanBeef2012-13
Reducing Salmonella and Clostridium in poultryThis approach will target the newly identified C. perfringens pilin glycans - shown to be immunodominant epitopes in other bacteria. To generate 3 vaccine platforms, glycans will be cloned, structurally characterized, and glycoconjugates created using enzymes.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaPoultry2012-13
Development of a Histophilus somni vaccine to prevent histophilosis in beef cattleIsolating and characterizing strains of H. somni that cause the various septic forms of histophilosis currently observed in beef cattle in Alberta, and developing a new vaccine for H. somni that will prevent the various septic forms of the disease, in particular, myocarditis.
Research & DevelopmentVIDO-InterVac, University of SaskatchewanBeef2012-13
Mycoplasma bovis in farmed bison: Analysis of the epidemiology and virulence traits of an emerging bison pathogenMycoplasma bovis is emerging as an important pathogen,  causing severe respiratory disease and high mortality in farmed bison. This project investigates the epidemiology of the disease in Western Canada and explores the virulence traits of the organism. The goal is to develop effective control strategies through preventive management and vaccination.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of Calgary & Burrage Vet ServicesBison2012-13
Effective alternatives to antimicrobial growth promoters for livestock productionReducing the Alberta livestock industrys reliance on antibiotics (i.e. antimicrobial growth promoters [AGPs]). Identification of effective alternatives to AGPs will maintain the health and welfare of animals, ensure access to foreign markets, and affirm the public's perception of the livestock sector as producers of safe and environmentally responsible products. Alternatives look to identify agents that mimic the action of AGPs as immunomodulators.
Research & DevelopmentAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2012-13
Targeted design of novel antimicrobial agents for pathogen intervention on meatIt is the overall aim of this proposal to integrate these Integrating initial, explorative projects to design novel tools for pathogen intervention on meat. Current knowledge on structure / function relationships and the mechanism of action of chitosan and antibacterial peptides will enables the targeted design of new glycopeptides with complementary or synergistic activity.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of Alberta 2012-13
Improved gut flora management in weanling pigs using probiotic cultures with antimicrobial activity against clostridiaEmploying the potential of lactic acid bacteria with in vitro activity against toxigenic clostridia for improved gut microbiota management in swine production.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaPork2012-13
Evaluation of novel blood-based diagnostic test for Mycobacterium bovis (bovine tuberculosis) in bison (Bison bison)This project will Compare the ability of several currently available blood tests for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) to correctly identify infected bison. Diseased animals will be selected from naturally infected populations. The experimental blood tests will be performed on each and results compared with the animal’s true bTB status as definitively determined using postmortem tissue culture and molecular (DNA) testing. The outcome will provide a superior test for use in bison federal surveillance programs.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of SaskatchewanBison2012-13
Impact of temperature and antimicrobials on the lethality of high hydrostatic pressure against Listeria monocytogenes and meat spoilage organismsDetermining the impact of processing at low temperatures on the safety and storage life of an uncured, ready-to-eat poultry product. The impact of salt and antimicrobials will also be determined.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaPoultry2012-13
Sources of contamination of generic Escherichia coli on beefIdentifying the sources of microbiological contamination by genotyping E. coli recovered from hide, various parts of the meat plants, equipment in the breaking facilities and meat. The expected results would allow effective measures to be taken to eliminate those sources of contamination.
Research & DevelopmentAgriculture and Agri-Food CanadaBeef2012-13
Development of a marked live attenuated Johne’s Disease vaccine strainCreating a live attenuated vaccine which establishes a short infection, while triggering protective immune responses at the natural site of infection by identifying Map genes essential for persistent infection of dairy calves. Disruption of these genes will result in an attenuated Map vaccine strain. Creating immune markers in this Map strain by constructing markers in the vaccine that allow for simultaneous testing for M. bovis and natural Map infection to avoid future regulatory restrictions of the vaccine.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of CalgaryDairy2012-13
Maintaining reproductive efficiency in confinement-free sow management systemsProduction practices in the pork industry are coming under increasing scrutiny by both retailers and the general public, with sow confinement and use of gestation stalls being key issues. The Swine Reproduction-Development Program at the University of Alberta will conduct collaborative research with the Cooperative Research Centre for High Integrity Australian Pork on research to maintain the reproductive efficiency of sows managed in a “confinement-free” environment.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaPork2012-13
The potential of emerging third generation silage inoculants to improve forage preservation and feeding value for the cattle industryDeveloping strategies utilizing third generation inoculants (TGl) during forage preservation to enhance the feeding value and utilization of forages. The project will first screen a number of TGI on the basis of their ability to improve the nutritional characteristics of different forage during preservation as silage and high-moisture hay.
Research & DevelopmentAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2012-13
Subunit vaccines directed against Salmonella Enteritidis in poultryEmploying ovo vaccination at embryonation day 18 or vaccination of chicks on the day of hatch against Salmonella Enteritidis, using a sub-unit vaccine, in combination with existing disease control procedures, to provide individual bird and flock immunity that will result in significant reductions in the risk of infection and contamination at a cost acceptable to the producer.
Research & DevelopmentVIDO-InterVac, University of SaskatchewanPoultry2012-13
Understanding heat resistance in E. coli: comparative genomics and application for optimum design of interventionsShiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) cause problems for the meat industry that results in recalls and human illness. Some strains of E. coli, including STEC, are heat resistant and can survive traditional cooking practices. Determination of the genetic elements that confer heat resistance to E. coli is a key outcome of this project. In addition, to the impact of changes in concentration of salt and other processing ingredients on the heat resistance of STEC.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of Alberta 2012-13
Occurrence, characterization and risk factors associated with lameness within Alberta feedlotsPrevious research has examined the varying causes of lameness in feedlots, from injuries to infectious disease, and what treatment options are most effective. These studies provide a starting point for developing effective management protocols; however the challenge still remains identifying the occurrence of lameness in feedlots and the characteristics of these cases.
Research & DevelopmentAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2012-13
Smart labels for monitoring food storage conditions and detecting pathogenic contaminants in consumer food productsDeveloping efficient, cheap, passive (i.e. not requiring a power supply) food compatible indicators in the form of smart labels. These will be incorporated in food packaging and respond to temperature and/or the presence of bacteria, allowing direct monitoring of each product moving through the supply chain. In addition, these smart labels will be readable by the workers who handle the food, providing increased confidence regarding the quality and safety of consumer food products.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of Alberta 2012-13
How do dietary protein and energy interact to impact milk protein synthesis?Determining how dietary energy sources affect milk protein yield (MPY) and the efficiency of transfer of dietary protein to milk protein, and to explore the cellular mechanisms by which energy source and metabolizable protein supply influence milk and milk protein synthesis. The long-term goals are to improve estimations of the supply and requirement of metabolizable protein and AA, improving on-farm models to remove the systematic underestimation of MPY observed at low protein supply so that the use of lower protein diets will be readily adopted by the dairy industry.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of Calgary 2012-13
A bio-management investigation on Alberta swine farms into the use of autogenous vaccination to reduce chest adhesions and antibiotic use in finisher pigsDemonstrating the impact on bio-management by use of autogenous vaccine and improved internal biosecurity measures on the quality of carcasses, specifically at the chest adhesion rate. This project looks at the food safety impact of lowering the processors condemnation and demerits and monitors the impact these positive health changes are having on the use of antimicrobials in finisher pigs.
Research & DevelopmentPrairie Swine Health ServicesPork2012-13
Minimizing the Risk of Subacute Ruminal Acidosis in Feedlot CattleImproving animal health by identifying the risk factors for subacute acidosis, and by developing mitigation options to minimize the prevalence of sub-acute acidosis in feedlot cattle. Reducing feed costs by improving feed utilization and reduce the need for in-feed antibiotics.
Research & DevelopmentAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2012-13
Intranasal vaccination of newborn calves with a modified-live respiratory viral vaccine to prevent pneumonia during the weaning periodIntranasal (IN) vaccination of newborn calves is an effective strategy to avoid vaccine interference by maternal antibody and provides protective immunity against respiratory viruses. It is not known, however, if IN vaccination of newborn calves can reduce respiratory disease after weaning. We will address the major issue of respiratory disease in feedlots, by determining if IN vaccination of newborn calves provides effective respiratory disease protection within the first week after weaning.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of Saskatchewan 2012-13
Large voltage window electrochemical supercapacitors as universal laptop “Batteries” derived from eggshell membranesDeveloping a product (Universal Laptop Battery) based on an electrochemical supercapacitor that will take about 5 minutes to fully charge.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaEggs2012-13
A field fertility trial to validate Na/K-ATPase as a fertility marker in beef bullsDetermining the association between Na/K-ATPase, sperm motility, capacitation, and field fertility, as well as the genetic basis of variations in the Na/K-ATPase gene and its linkage with other production traits.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of CalgaryBeef2012-13
Automated Early Detection and Management of Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (BRD) in the Alberta Cattle IndustryDemonstrating the ability to automatically and non invasively identify calves at risk of BRD through the use of thermal identification stations. In addition, in collaboration with students and staff at the University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine this study will compare the efficacy of two BRD detection systems involving the measurement of either radiated (infrared) or conductive (ear tag) thermal biometric technologies.
Research & DevelopmentAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2012-13
Personalized dietary therapies for treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), specifically Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are chronic intestinal inflammations, characterized by frequent flares of abdominal cramps and chronic diarrhea. For reasons that are still unknown, Alberta has one of the highest rates of IBD in the world. Dietary intake of certain key nutrients can lead to significant improvement in disease activity in patients with IBD. Using this knowledge we plan to develop and assess a personalized dietary treatment plan that emphasizes Alberta-grown food sources of these key nutrients as a means to prevent flares of IBD. Dietary intake will be monitored and its effects on disease activity will be assessed clinically as well as through a new field of science called metabolomics.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of Alberta 2012-13
Proof of principle study for a chute side diagnostic system for Histophilus somnus, Mycoplasma bovis and Bovine Viral Diarrhea VirusDeveloping a chute-side diagnostics test (sensitive and specific chip) for the cattle industry. Currently there are no practical, quick, cost effective chute side tests that can be used by bovine practitioners and veterinary epidemiologists to determine the presence of common pathogens associated with common bovine diseases in cattle.
Research & DevelopmentAquila Diagnostic Systems Inc. 2012-13
Demonstration of a value added DNA tracking system for brand verification and breed improvement in the Alberta beef industryDemonstrating the value of applying SNP parentage testing in a trace-back system that links carcass quality and calf performance back to Canadian beef sires for breed improvement.
Research & DevelopmentCanadian Angus AssociationBeef2012-13
Early post-mortem determination of carcass fat and marbling composition in a population of hogs fed corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS)Using pork from hogs involved in a commercial-scale feeding trial designed to validate the net energy (NE) value of reduced-oil corn DDGS. The trial is expected to generate animals with differing fat:lean ratios and soft fat, thus creating unique material to evaluate rapid near-infrared scanning (NIRS) of carcass backfat as a predictor of loin firmness and bacon quality; for ante-mortem real time ultrasound (RT U ) scanning of intramuscular fat (IMF) as a predictor of loin marbling; to validate the new Canadian pork quality standards before release to the industry; and to determine the effect of feeding reduced-oil corn DDGS on carcass and primal cuts tissue composition.
Research & DevelopmentAgriculture and Agri-Food CanadaPork2012-13
Effect of dietary prebiotics on intestinal microbial profiles of laying hensProviding solid recommendations to Alberta egg producers regarding products that are likely to be most efficacious under typical Alberta conditions. Based on the results of Phase 1 and Phase 2, a subsequent test of the most promising candidates under challenge conditions. Providing evidence of whether the prebiotic products can prevent infection and transmission, and much stronger recommendations will be made to the Alberta poultry industry.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaEggs2012-13
Evaluation of novel processing and packaging technologies to improve competitiveness of the Canadian bison industryDetermining the effects of vascular infusion, electrical stimulation and nitrite film packaging on bison carcass traits, sensory attributes and retail display characteristics of steaks and ground meat.
Research & DevelopmentAgriculture and Agri-Food CanadaBison2012-13
Development of infant formula from ovomucinSialic acid is an essential infant nutrient for brain and mental development. Human milk is rich in sialic acid; typical infant formulas however contain less than one-quarter of the sialic acid present in human milk. Developing a proof-of-concept technology in preparing a sialic acid rich infant formula ingredient to provide health benefits for infants and position Alberta to participate in the growing infant formula market.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of Alberta 2012-13
Collagen peptides from bovine hides and poultry by-products as anti-aging agentsTargeting the preparation of Type I and III functionalized collagen peptides from bovine and poultry by-products for utilization as anti-aging nutraceuticals and ingestible formulations for skin care.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of Alberta 2012-13
A systematic approach to the identification of neutralizing epitopes on the PRRSV structural proteinsInfection with Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome virus (PRRSV) costs swine producers billions of dollars world-wide due to impaired pig health and productivity. Efficacious vaccines against the virus are currently not available due to fast mutation rates and immune evasion strategies of PRRSV.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of CalgaryPork2012-13
Establishing a Production System for Long-Chain w-3 PUFA Enrichment of Table Eggs Using a Novel High-Stearidonic Acid FlaxThis project is divided into 2 experiments. The first experiment will examine the effects of lipid competition on the enrichment process using graded levels of ground flax, high SDA/GLA flax or a negative control. The second experiment will explore the effects of feed form using ground regular or high SDA/GLA flax in a control ration and either extruding the flax or adding enzymes to increase digestibility.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaEggs2012-13
Diagnosis of parasites in livestock using nanobody antigen captureThree phases (a) collection and identification of surface (tegumental) antigens from adults of Dicrocoelium dendriticum that are recognized by antibodies from infected cattle (b)Llama single-domain antibody (sdAb) library panning, phage ELISA and sdAb expression, extraction and purification for one or more of the antigens identified in the second phase followed by and (c) development of antigen capture assay using the selected antibodies.
Research & DevelopmentAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2012-13
Application of high pressure processing (HPP) to control Listeria monocytogenes in an uncured, antimicrobial free ready-toeat (RTE ) poultry productDetermining the high pressure processing parameters required to achieve a 5-log reduction of L. monocytogenes in an uncured, antimicrobial free RTE poultry product to provide information on the efficacy and acceptance of categorizing an antimicrobial fee RTE meat product into the “no growth” category using HPP.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaPoultry2012-13
Development of live-attenuated vaccines to prevent Campylobacter colonization in poultryCampylobacter is the major food-borne pathogenic bacterium in Canada and other countries. Ingestion of contaminated poultry meat is the most frequent cause of human campylobacteriosis; thus, the reduction of Campylobacter levels in poultry is critical to decrease human infections. Constructing oral vaccines against Campylobacter by utilizing its unique physiological features to improve the quality of poultry products and food safety.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaPoultry2012-13
Media literacy and food marketing: Packaging, taste preference and children’s perceptions of healthy foodsChildren receive messages about the health qualities of a food from various sources, but little published research evaluates how children assess packaged goods for health (including their understanding of nutrition claims or the nutrition facts table). Using focus group methodology, this study examines: 1) children’s perceptions of packaged foods and how they evaluate the healthfulness of packaged foods and 2) the degree to which media literacy and nutrition literacy informs children’s perspectives.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of Calgary 2012-13
Effect of incubator temperature profiles and parent flock age in two broiler strains on embryonic overheating during incubationDetermining the effect of varying incubation temperature on embryonic metabolism, chick quality. Understanding the effects of adjusting incubation temperature from 37.5C through to 35.5C after 14 days of incubation may allow for customized incubation temperature profiles to incubate eggs from young, mid and older parent flock ages to optimize hatchability and early chick quality. The results may help establish a relationship between embryonic metabolism and eggshell temperature and assist hatchery managers minimize the metabolic challenges that increase late embryo mortality.
Research & DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaPoultry2012-13
Temporary Foreign Recruitment Job Fair for Alberta Milk, Alberta Pork and Alberta Turkey in Dublin, IrelandEnabling a targeted labor recruitment initiative for producers at the “Working Abroad Expo” held in Dublin Ireland.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta MilkDairy, Poultry, Pork2012-13
Domestic Market DevelopmentExpanding into the central Canada market including Quebec.
Industry & Market DevelopmentSiwin Foods Ltd. 2012-13
Northlands Inbound Buyer ProgramHosting a new international buyers into Alberta as part of the Farmfair International program. The priority of this program is directly connecting Canadian producers with buyers from key international markets.
Industry & Market DevelopmentEdmonton Northlands 2012-13
Determining Alberta Fitness Leaders Drivers to Impart Nutrition InformationGaining a better understanding of fitness leader motivations and drivers for sharing nutrition information. This project will include both qualitative and quantitative morphological research.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Milk 2012-13
Antimicrobial Usage Reduction Strategy Consultation Workshop: “Phasing in Veterinary Prescriptions into the On-Farm Food Safety ProgramConsultation workshops across Alberta to communicate the proposed changes to the OFFSAP program, as well as gain feedback from the affected stakeholders on the impact that these proposed changes would have on them.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Chicken ProducersPoultry2012-13
Pelletizing of Layer Manure in AlbertaReviewing the existing and potential market for pelleted manure products, both in bulk and bagged, estimate a volume and price point as based on nutrient content and user benefits.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Egg Producers Board 2012-13
Livestock Gentec Conference 2012: Turning Local Production into Global AdvantageLivestock Gentec’s 3rd annual conference with the theme of using technology to Turn Local Production into Global Advantage.
Industry & Market DevelopmentLivestock Gentec 2012-13
Livestock Care Alert Line ReviewReviewing and updating the program logistics, policies, and procedures that in turn ensure a confidential call line for anyone to report livestock care concerns.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Farm Animal Care  2012-13
Development of a breakfast sausage and miso-marinated loin for JapanBuilding on Sunterra’s excellent reputation in Japan by developing further processed products for that market.
Industry & Market DevelopmentTrochu Meat Processors 2012-13
Development of a High End Dog treat for JapanDeveloping a high end dog treat using a by-product that is currently disposed for the Japan market
Industry & Market DevelopmentTrochu Meat Processors 2012-13
Consumer Awareness Campaign for Alberta TurkeyEnhancing awareness and increase demand of turkey as an ingredient at any time of the year.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Turkey ProducersPoultry2012-13
Beef Sciences Symposium to be held in conjunction with annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Animal ScienceThe Beef Science Symposium features 9 speakers on topics of current interest to the beef industry including nutrition, meat quality, food safety, welfare and animal health.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Society of Animal ScienceBeef2012-13
Engaging Health Canada in Communicating the Health Evidence on Ruminant Trans Fatty AcidsA collaborative comprised of representatives of Alberta Milk, Dairy Farmers of Canada, Canada Beef and University of Alberta working together to address the issue of consumer perception that meat and dairy products are not healthy because they contain trans fats.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta MilkBeef, Dairy2012-13
Ranching Opportunities 2013Advancing the overall productivity and strength of the beef industry, including a tradeshow providing the ideal networking opportunity for participants and industry experts.
Industry & Market DevelopmentKneehill CountyBeef2012-13
Mobile Strategies and App Development for Canadian Cattle Market InformationDetermining the state of mobile tools and usage in the beef sector at all stages of primary production from cow-calf to feedlots.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Cattlemen’s AssociationBeef2012-13
Dietary Fats and Nutrition ConferenceA one day conference bringing together top notch speakers from across Canada and the US to present on trans fats, conjugated linoleic acids, unsaturated health claims and the Canadian regulatory framework.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Nutrition Society 2012-13
Tiffin Conference 2013Economic awareness presentation including: Alberta’s Economic Outlook; Government Policy, Consumer Ignorance & Farm Economics; Odds for North American Livestock This Year; ) 12 Best Management Practices; Move to DA Electric Barn, and Conversation is Bill Johnson, former President & CEO of McDonald’s Canada.
Industry & Market DevelopmentLethbridge College 2012-13
Agri Innovation Forum 2012The Forum brings together active institutional and private investors and corporate strategies with leading edge entrepreneurs and commercialization professionals.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCritical Path Business Consulting Ltd. 2012-13
2013 Livestock Care ConferenceProviding an opportunity for researchers, industry, students, government and the public to address challenges and trends in animal care. The 2013 LCC will focus upon domestic and global improvements in animal welfare and assessment models, and how these may be implemented in Alberta.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Farm Animal Care 2012-13
WCABP 22nd Annual ConferenceA conference dedicated solely to veterinary continuing education, focused entirely on beef and dairy cattle health and production.
Industry & Market DevelopmentWestern Canadian Association of Bovine PractitionersBeef, Dairy2012-13
Go Gourmet - A Culinary Celebration for Dietic ResearchThe project connects current dietary research with the nutritional awareness as well as culinary capabilities and attributes of pork with the strategic marketing opportunities.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Pork Producers Development CorporationPork2012-13
Canadian Culinary Federation 2013 National ConferenceOpportunity for member Canadian chefs to meet, network and discuss their industry and all it entails. The theme of the conference is ‘The Next 50 Years’ and will focus on technology, food trends, and the local and sustainable food chain.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Culinary Arts Foundation 2012-13
FEASTival of Fine Chefs – 25th AnniversaryIncreasing the awareness and use of Alberta products with both consumers and the Alberta food service community.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Food Processors Association 2012-13
Collaboratively improving grading consistency within Alberta federally inspected processing facilitiesAdopting a grade training improvement program to improve consistency in weights and grades between the 2 processors. The improved consistency will further strengthen and maintain stability in the industry. This exchange of information will also allow both producers and processors to understand the source of downgrades enabling the industry to target necessary changes for improvement leading to improved understanding of the rest of the supply chain and improved productivity.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Turkey ProducersPoultry2012-13
FHC ChinaProviding participants an in-market insight into the Chinese market through one-on-one meetings and visits with processors, retailers and other distributors in the system.
Industry & Market DevelopmentMountain Top Foods 2012-13
FHC ChinaProviding participants an in-market insight into the Chinese market through one-on-one meetings and visits with processors, retailers and other distributors in the system.
Industry & Market DevelopmentMaple Leaf Foods Inc. 2012-13
FHC ChinaProviding participants an in-market insight into the Chinese market through one-on-one meetings and visits with processors, retailers and other distributors in the system.
Industry & Market DevelopmentPrairie Heritage Producers Inc. 2012-13
Alberta Farm Animal Care Sustainability Development PlanDeveloping a strategic plan for the organization and to research new funding models for AFAC.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Farm Animal Care 2012-13
Accelerating the adoption of SNP based DNA genomics technology in the Canadian Cattle IndustryRemoving barriers in the application of genomics in the cattle industry across the value chain.
Industry & Market DevelopmentDelta Genomics Centre 2012-13
Mut Hut New Product DevelopmentPursuing a marketing plan for high end dog treats.
Industry & Market DevelopmentMut Hut Pet Emporium Inc. 2012-13
Sponsorship for Wave 2013 ConferencePromoting the commercialization of investable technologies.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Centre for Advanced MNT Products 2012-13
Dairy Health is Dairy Wealth - 31st Western Canadian Dairy SeminarInforming and challenging the dairy industry to take a leading role in the development of the industry through the adoption of the latest technologies and available information, and to discuss current issues challenging the dairy industry.
Industry & Market DevelopmentThe Governors of the University of AlbertaDairy2012-13
International Livestock Congress, Beef 2013Enhancing the competitiveness of Canadian beef and genetics in the global marketplace as well as discuss current circumstances which challenge today’s industry. The conference focuses on and is interested in the development of future leadership within the young professionals for the beef cattle industry.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Cattlemen's AssociationBeef2012-13
70th Annual 4-H Alberta Leaders Conference4-H Alberta Leaders’ Conference brings 3 days of intense learning and invaluable networking to approximately 300 4-H leaders, staff and workshop facilitators from Alberta and across Canada.
Industry & Market Development4-H Foundation of Alberta 2012-13
Youth Scholorship ProgramEnabling FAA to host 35-40 interested young rural Alberta leaders to attend their annual meeting and convention in Red Deer.
Industry & Market DevelopmentFeeder Associations of Alberta Limited 2012-13
CYL Delivers Beef Industry Leadership, Governance, Training and AdvocacyThe Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) program provides industry-specific training and mentorship to assist the industry into the future.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Cattlemen's AssociationBeef2012-13
10th Annual Beef Industry ConferenceIn addition to a robust tradeshow marketplace, the conferences also provides a forum for participants to learn about current trends and issues in the industry as well as provide their voice to guide their respective member organizations.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Cattle Feeders’ AssociationBeef2012-13
Effectiveness of a Standardized Footbath Protocol in the Bovine Digital Dermatitis on Dairy Farms in AlbertaEvaluating the impact of footbath management on the prevalence of lesions, to estimate the economic consequences of these on-farm actions and improve claw health and animal welfare.
Industry & Market DevelopmentUniversity of CalgaryDairy2012-13
Meat Processing Lab Equipment UpgradeOutfitting The Meat Training Centre with state-of-the-art processing equipment, the multi-purpose facility built to HACCP scalable standards will enhance knowledge and training opportunities to promote the Alberta meat industry both locally and internationally.
Industry & Market DevelopmentOlds College 2012-13
Eat Local WeekNarrowing the gap between the consumer and the producer. Other objectives are to educate people as to what is available to them locally, how much better local/fresh product tastes and the benefits to the producer and to the economy by purchasing local product.
Industry & Market DevelopmentEconomic Development Alliance of Southeast Alberta 2012-13
FPLRC Agri-food Procurement reviewDeveloping a business case for consolidation of procurement and initially to provide cost savings to the CEO Club members. The proposal will be leveraged to establish opportunities for the strategic procurement of widely used items, materials, services and ingredients used by the food processors group.
Industry & Market DevelopmentFood Processors Logistics Research Council 2012-13
International Agriculture CommitteeBringing members from the world agricultural community together to share ideas, to facilitate business opportunities and to foster friendship and cultural understanding.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCalgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited 2012-13
Agri-Enviormental Partnership of Alberta (AEPA) Ecosystem Services ForumAssisting in increased understanding by producers. By defining ecosystem services, giving examples of market-based instruments (both in Alberta and the United States) and payments for implementation of beneficial management practices, as well as information on conservation offsets, it will help livestock producers relate/connect the information to their industry and operations.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Pork Producers Development Corporation 2012-13
Re-Gaining Value of Heritage Chickens-Marketing and SaleDeveloping business model for the sale of heritage chicken eggs and develop a market for Heritage Chicken Eggs.
Industry & Market DevelopmentGovernors of the University of AlbertaEggs2012-13
Master of Beef Advocacy Canada-Industry AmbassadorThe Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) and Canada Beef are creating a beef advocacy program modeled after the masters of beef education that is currently being run in the United States.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Beef Cattle ResearchBeef2012-13
Olds College Centennial Gala Dinner/Reception SponsorshipShowcasing the Alberta meat and dairy industry. A wide variety of new menu items have been chosen and will be prepared by world class chefs.
Industry & Market DevelopmentOlds College 2012-13
Prion 2013Facilitating knowledge exchange, build capacity and collaboration and enhance communication of research results, which are vital to the Canadian and international scientific process and their use in society.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Innovates - Bio Solutions 2012-13
Equine EducationConducting a series of courses on the proper care and handling of horses.
Industry & Market DevelopmentHorse Industry Association of AlbertaHorse2012-13
Wildrose Bison Show & Sale/ Convention 2013170 attendees will be provided with a wealth of information from what is happening in Bison research to Feeding Practices.
Industry & Market DevelopmentBison Producers of AlbertaBison2012-13
Famous Taste CampaignFamous Taste Campaign is an integrated marketing project that aims to drive beef sales of consumers in our province, and beyond.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Beef ProducersBeef2012-13
International Collaboration on Global Challenges for Livestock and Meat ProductionProviding for a live two-way audio-visual link between the Canadian event in Banff and the American event at Auburn University in Alabama.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Meat Science Association 2012-13
Intensive Livestock Working GroupILWG will act as a liason between the partners and the other stakeholders to facilitate the identification and prioritization of overarching issues that impact on livestock/poultry production.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Milk 2012-13
Classroom Agriculture ProgramProviding an up-to-date resource for a volunteer program with multiple stakeholders to educate grade 4 children on where there food comes from and to identify careers in agriculture
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Beef Producers 2012-13
Chinese Master ChefsLeveraging the interest around Chinese master chefs in the Vancouver area to highlight dishes using Alberta proteins through a one hour television segment and 8 one minute ‘shorts’ that will aired on OMNI Television.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCross Cultural Marketing Inc. 2012-13
Development of bovine venipuncture simulationDeveloping a bovine jugular sampling model for UCVM, allowing students to master the techniques on simulators in a low stress atmosphere (students not worrying about getting hurt and not worrying about hurting the animal).
Industry & Market DevelopmentVeterinary Simulator Industries Ltd. 2012-13
Performance of bison bulls fed whole oats vs rolled oatsInvestigating if there is any difference in animal performance between bison fed whole vs rolled oats, so the Alberta bison industry can more efficiently and cost effectively feed their animals.
Industry & Market DevelopmentGreen Horizon Farm Inc. 2012-13
A Workshop for Canadian Hatchery ProfessionalsAn integrated research and management practices workshop designed to facilitate discussion and brainstorming about issues facing the hatching industry.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Agriculture and Rural Development 2012-13
2012 Swine Breeding WorkshopA discussion and lab-based workshop involving presentations from University of Alberta R&D staff and experts from around the world. Limited participation (max. 48 registrants) encourages in-depth interaction among Workshop presenters, producers, and industry professionals. The theme of the 2012 workshop is “Productivity and Longevity of the Breeding Herd.”
Industry & Market DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaPork2012-13
2012 CNS ConferenceReaching consumers through educational networks and influencers. The CNS is the leading society integrating disciplines and professional interested in nutrition.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Nutrition Society 2012-13
20th Annual BBQ on the Bow FestivalBBQ On The Bow Festival is a long running community based festival, hosting a World Class Culinary BBQ Competition while promoting Alberta Producers.
Industry & Market DevelopmentBBQ on the Bow Society 2012-13
2012 UCVM Beef Cattle ConferenceHolding an annual conference is to bridge the gap between research and the community. Knowledge transfer in the area of beef cattle health is much needed in the province of Alberta and UCVM plays an important role in this area.
Industry & Market DevelopmentUniversity of CalgaryBeef2012-13
Market Analysis Plan from Bovine Rendered ByproductsAccessing the market for a highly efficient, high yield industrial scale process that purifies pharmaceutical grade enzymes from waste bovine pancreatic tissue.
Industry & Market DevelopmentLombard Brothers Inc. 2012-13
Promoting the Health Benefits of Alberta Chicken through Public EducationProducing a suite of chicken-specific nutrition brochures that will be used to educate the public about the specific health benefits of chicken.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Chicken ProducersPoultry2012-13
Dairy Exhibit - The Journey of Milk from Moo2YouAn engaging, interactive, educational exhibit designed to help urban consumers understand where the dairy products come from.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta MilkDairy2012-13
Alberta Pork Domestic Strategy AB & BCWorking with retailers using Alberta pork to create in-store merchandising and demo programs that clearly demonstrate to the consumer that they are purchasing Alberta/Canadian pork products.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Pork Producers Development CorporationPork2012-13
BEEF The FestivalGrowing the industries reputation, bring all stakeholders together in a common goal and create a platform from which to gain consumer understanding and trust in the industry and to communicate and connect more effectively with our consuming public.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Cattle Feeders’ AssociationBeef2012-13
The FEASTival of Fine ChefsIncreasing the awareness and use of Alberta products with both consumers and the Alberta food service community.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Food Processors Association 2012-13
Keeping it GrowingSupporting an 8% growth in primary lamb production over 2 years. Another strategically important result is to secure lamb processing capacity for the future by increasing supply to existing processors helping to accommodate overhead costs.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Lamb ProducersSheep2012-13
Genomics - The Power & The PromiseCelebrating genomics advancements and a frank assessment of progress still to come. Providing the opportunity  to interact and learn where research is currently at and where it is going.
Industry & Market DevelopmentGenome Alberta 2012-13
3rd Annual Agriculture and Forestry SeminarBringing together Alberta technology developers, business leaders, industry supporters, and innovative companies to discuss growing business opportunities driven by MNT. Participants can network to discover new market opportunities and learn about the latest innovative products and applications.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Centre For Advanced MNT Products 2012-13
UK Olympics Meat PromotionAlberta will be showcased over three days during the London Olympics in the United Kingdom, and the proposed project intends to capitalize on this high profile, international opportunity to showcase Alberta’s meat industry.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Agriculture and Rural Development 2012-13
Strategic Planning and Implementation InitiativeDevelopment and implementation of a strategic plan for NCFA
Industry & Market DevelopmentNational Cattle Feeders’ Association 2012-13
Joint PrP Canada 2012 & Protein Folding and Disease ConferenceContributing to public health via food safety, national and international market access in addition to the economic success of agriculture and rural development in Alberta and globally.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Prion Research Institute / Alberta Innovates - Bio Solutions 2012-13
Canfax Cattle Market ForumBuilding a more sustainable livestock industry, increased exposure to new information allowing for greater openness to change and competitiveness. This conference is a catalyst to a proactive industry.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Cattlemen’s Association 2012-13
Elk Velvet Antler (EVA) Hydrolysis Market FeasibilityA feasibility study to evaluate whether a viable market exists, identify international market matches and their barriers to entry, determine market demographics and examine competitive intelligence.
Industry & Market DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaElk2012-13
A Bright Idea! Youth ConferenceA beef themed day to enable youth to build their “industry toolbox” though interactive workshops on marketing, ERT s/genomics, industry analysis as well as consumer perceptions and choices.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAgricultural Youth Engagement Society 2012-13
Growing the Capacity of the Organic Beef and Dairy SectorsPromoting Alberta organic products through a promotional marketing strategy while simultaneously supporting the development of the capacity of the Alberta organic beef and dairy sector to supply that market.
Industry & Market DevelopmentOrganic Alberta CouncilBeef, Dairy2012-13
2012 Red Deer Swine Technology WorkshopCommunication of practical information on pig management to people directly involved in pig production.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Pork Producers Development CorporationPork2012-13
4-H Alberta Beef Project Resource DevelopmentCreating engaging, interactive resources to educate 4-H members and Leaders as well as urban youth on the Alberta beef industry.
Industry & Market Development4-H Foundation of AlbertaBeef2012-13
Meat Lab RenovationsPurchase of new equipment for a charcuterie program.
Industry & Market DevelopmentSAIT Polytechnic 2012-13
Keeping up With the HerdA series of learning modules will be developed to promote “best practices” of bison production as a whole. The improved success of bison production through increasing the knowledge base of producers will ensure the sustainable growth and development of the bison industry.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Bison ProducersBison2012-13
Beef Research SchoolAn online video series profiling the latest in Canadian beef cattle research and application of research knowledge and technologies in the industry.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Cattlemen's AssociationBeef2012-13
16th Annual Western Canada Feedlot Management SchoolProviding informational and educational experience for beef producers by bringing in industry and research experts.
Industry & Market DevelopmentSaskatchewan Cattle Feeders Association IncBeef2012-13
CBBC Board Restructuring and Capacity BuildingRefocusing and renew of CBBC goals and its domestic and international marketing activities through the development of comprehensive strategic plan.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Beef Breeds Council 2012-13
Alberta Cheese Making ProjectBuilding a curriculum for prospective cheese makers, modeled after the curriculum used by the University of Vermont’s Institute for Artisan Cheese and will work with regional partners (e.g., Leduc Food Processing Centre, University of Alberta) to offer a full range of courses related to cheese processing specifically and food processing more generally. NAIT faculty will be trained in delivering the curriculum beginning in the second year of the project.
Industry & Market DevelopmentNorthern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)Dairy2012-13
Taste Alberta Initiative Furthering our ReachEducating Albertans about the food produced, processed, sold and served in Alberta. The partnership includes: Agri-food industry, producer associations (AB Pork, AB Milk, Canola Commission, Alberta Beef Producers, Alberta Chicken Producers, Egg Farmers of Alberta), News Media (Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald), Save on Foods and Agri-Food industry leaders. These leaders with varied interests have collaborated to maximize expertise, knowledge and limited resources.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Pork Producers Development Corporation 2012-13
Off the Beaten PalateProduction and airing of a 26 minute segment which will provide PBS viewers with a quick synopsis of Alberta agri-food products in an entertaining tourism context.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Agriculture and Rural Development 2012-13
Growing the BioeconomyHighlighting the depth and breadth of activity relating to the future bioeconomy that is occurring in Alberta.
Industry & Market DevelopmentUniversity of Alberta 2012-13
Future Food in Healthcare ConferenceReaching consumers through educational networks and influencers. The HFS target audience includes foodservice professionals directing operations in Canadian hospitals, nursing and retirement homes as well as Registered Dieticians and academics from Universities and Colleges.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Beef Cattle Research, Market Development and Promotion Agency 2012-13
Banff Pork SeminarThe Banff Pork Seminar is an internationally recognized conference that will help producers and other delegates advance their learning in a number of areas of pork production including nutrition, disease preparedness, genomics, lowering costs of production but also animal welfare and communications.
Industry & Market DevelopmentUniversity of AlbertaPork2012-13
Incoming Buyers ProgramLaunching an Incoming Buyers Program to broaden industry experience base through direct interaction potential customers of Alberta livestock and meat products.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Western Agribition Association 2012-13
Annual ForumProviding insight into the global agriculture sector, current economic conditions that affect the beef industry as well as a more specific look at some of the programs and work being done by Canada Beef Inc.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Beef Cattle Research, Market Development and Promotion AgencyBeef2012-13
Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Use of Vaccines for Layer Flocks in AlbertaImproving the competitiveness of the Alberta egg industry by providing objective information on the costs and benefits of various vaccination options.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Egg Producers BoardEggs2012-13
2012 AGBA 1st Annual Convention Breeders Support Communication ProjectDeveloping the Alberta Goat Breeders Association into a professional, forward thinking and dynamic organization at the forefront of leading the goat industry into the greatest period of expansion and development to date.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Goat Breeders AssociationGoat2012-13
Meat Ball 2012An inaugural Canadian food promotion that will provide an opportunity for influential guests to learn more about Canada’s meat producers (elk, bison, horse, beef and pork), animal nutrition, environmentally sustainable production methods, animal welfare and traceability.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Canola Producers Commission 2012-13
USA 2012Exhibiting at an event called “Wild About Game” where AWAPCO will network directly with chefs and butchers serving the product to the end user.
Industry & Market DevelopmentAlberta Wapiti Products Cooperative 2012-13
Livestock Gentec -Creation of Genomics Educational VideosCreating educational and outreach materials, including two professionally produced videos centered around genomics technology, to engage youth and adults within the livestock sector in the research and uptake of genomics tools.
Industry & Market DevelopmentUniversity of Alberta 2012-13
SIAL 2012A partnership between CPI, Canada Beef Inc and Alberta companies to jointly promote Alberta proteins at the show. SIAL 2012 is one of the leading trade shows for food in European retail and hotels, institutions and restaurants.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanada Pork InternationalBeef, Pork2012-13
SIAL 2012Promoting their Alberta products at SIAL 2012. SIAL 2012 is one of the leading trade shows for food in European retail and hotels, institutions and restaurants.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCarmen Creek Gourmet Meats Ltd. 2012-13
SIAL 2012Promoting their Alberta products at SIAL 2012. SIAL 2012 is one of the leading trade shows for food in European retail and hotels, institutions and restaurants.
Industry & Market DevelopmentCanadian Rangeland Bison & Elk Inc.Bison, Elk2012-13
APRI / ALMA Request for Applications III Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions through the Alberta Prion Research Institute and the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency are requesting submission of research applications for proposals focusing on Chronic Wasting Disease, Specified Risk Materials, and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy.
Strategic InitiativesAlberta Innovates Bio Solutions 2012-13
Enhancing competitiveness and engagement of the Alberta beef industryDeliver a report that includes an outline of a cost-benefit measure for DNA profiles, traits that could deliver cost-effective benefits using genomics, a basis for livestock genomics strategy for the cattle industry and a competitive analysis of genomic benefits.
Strategic InitiativesUniversity of Alberta 2012-13
Research Inventory – BVCRT Review and Phase 2Funders unanimously supported the BCRC and Beef Value Chain Roundtable in developing a national research strategy aimed at achieving target industry research outcomes.
Strategic InitiativesCanadian Cattlemen’s AssociationBeef2012-13
E.coli O157:H7 Research and Education Strategy: Rapid Response PhaseDetermining the microbiological effects of a commercial hide decontamination operation in an Alberta packing plant and where applicable recommend enhanced approaches; validating and enhance procedures for operating and cleaning beef tenderizing equipment in use by the Alberta industry to minimize microbiological contamination of product with E.coli O157:H7 and other pathogens; determining cooking procedures for ensuring the microbiological safety of mechanically tenderized steaks and roasts; and, determining the microbiological effects of current industry practices for decontamination of offal meats, and of pilot scale pasteurizing of offal meats and trimmings.
Strategic InitiativesCanadian Cattlemen’s AssociationBeef2012-13
International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) and Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Accredited Certification Laboratory for Animal Traceability EquipmentMeeting Canada’s need for certification of RFID (radio frequency identification)devices which meet stringent international standards as well as certain requirements arising from the Canadian climate. RFID-based animal traceability was mandated by the CFIA in June, 2010.
Strategic InitiativesSAIT 2012-13
Linus7 Cattle Financial Management SoftwareConsolidating futures trades, sale contracts, CPIP or any other risk management tools into one spot to measure market exposure real time with current markets.
Strategic InitiativesLinus Ag Services Inc. 2012-13
Building Western Canada’s Veterinary Diagnostic Capability Through Novel Test Development and Productivity ImprovementsEnhancing animal health testing and diagnostic services in Western Canada for the introduction of a new organic toxicology service that will meet the needs of a variety of clients including food animal producers, wild life interests and public health providers.
Strategic InitiativesPrairie Diagnostic Centre 2012-13
Securing a Competitive Advantage and Enhancing Access to International Markets for Western Canada’s Poultry Industry through the formation of the Institute for Applied Poultry TechnologiesEstablishing the Institute for Applied Poultry Technologies (IAPT), a not-for-profit entity, to evaluate novel and innovative cost saving poultry health technologies that will enhance biosecurity, prepare for disease outbreaks before they occur, reduce input costs, improve product quality and consumer confidence, aid in safely exploiting niche high value add commodities such as Antibiotic Free/Animal welfare approved products that will open/expand international market access.
Strategic InitiativesPoultry Health Services Ltd.Poultry2012-13
Pork and Energy Efficiency Protocol Validation StudyThe objective of the proposed 2-year Pork Pilot is to adapt and apply the Pork and Energy Efficiency Protocol’s innovative mitigation strategies to monetize carbon reductions in select hog operations in Alberta.
Strategic InitiativesAlberta Pork Development CorporationPork2012-13
Electronic Assessment of Beef Quality in Alberta Packing PlantsAssessing beef tenderness using computer vision grading systems already utilized by Alberta beef processors and testing of a new instrument for identification of animals likely to produce dark cutting beef.
Strategic InitiativesCanadian Cattlemen’s AssociationBeef2012-13
Automated Trim Sampling for E.coli O157 in Alberta Packing PlantsTargeting the development of automated approaches to sampling of combo bins for E.coli O157 for reduced Cost of E.coli O157 Sampling for Alberta Plants; and, more representative samples potentially resulting in fewer recalls and reduced foodborne illness.
Strategic InitiativesCanadian Cattlemen’s AssociationBeef2012-13
Alberta Beef Offal Quality Enhancement InitiativeReduction of abscesses in livers of Alberta cattle to enhance production efficiencies and animal health at the feedlot, increase revenues from offal sales for Alberta packing plants and address the potential of animal welfare concerns.
Strategic InitiativesCanadian Cattlemen’s AssociationBeef2012-13
Alberta Lamb Industry Market Price Pre-Feasibility  StudyThe lamb industry has experienced increased volatility in recent years and that price volatility in conjunction with large downside price movements has the potential to threaten the sustainability of the whole Alberta lamb supply chain. Maintaining and improving the financial stability of individual producers will greatly assist in improving the industry cohesiveness and long run sustainability and competitiveness of the brand.
Strategic InitiativesAlberta Lamb ProducersSheep2012-13
Enhancing the food safety of Alberta beef through hot water pasteurization of trimUltimately trim pasteurization may enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the sector at a time when increasing microbial testing for E.coli 0157 and a potentially growing list of Non- 0157 STECs present a significant challenge.
Strategic InitiativesCanadian Cattlemen’s AssociationBeef2012-13
Alberta One Health Surveillance CollaborationThe AOHS Collaboration working group has support from related agencies, government departments, academic institutions and private industry in Alberta. This type of project is of great value to surveillance and research and has the ability to great increase the value of information and knowledge from surveillance that is translated to stakeholders including the livestock industries.
Strategic InitiativesUniversity of Calgary 2012-13
Pigeon Lake Poultry Processing - Abattoir Business Development ProgramProviding custom slaughter and processing services to centrally located broiler and turkey producers.
CommercializationPigeon Lake Poultry Processing Ltd.Poultry2012-13
Marketing and Business Development ImplementationDevelopment and implementation of an enhanced marketing and business development strategy to achieve success it will be essential to optimize demand, value and brand awareness to ensure profitability and sustainability.
CommercializationTrochu Meat Processors Ltd. 2012-13
Mut Hut ExpansionProject to research, produce, test market and establish industrial-scale manufacturing for novel meat-based dog treats.
CommercializationMut Hut Pet Emporium Inc. 2012-13
Further Processing Our Own TrimFamily Meats is adding value-added processing as the next logical step for the company to increase profitability by producing value-added meat products.
CommercializationFamily Meats 2011 Ltd. 2012-13
Plant Expansion and LocationA new federal processing facility that is fully automated to increase market share. The plant will include a small retail outlet in the corner of the building but the majority of the business will be wholesale of high quality sausage.
CommercializationMeadow Creek Sausage 2012-13
Targeting Efficiency Pasture to PlateBenchmark Beef will target the consumer in offering the best possible natural meat from the pasture to the plate with new branded products.
CommercializationBenchmark Beef Inc.Beef2012-13
Multi Species ExpansionBouvry Exports implemented a full expansion of the operation, including equipment upgrades to the slaughter facility, processing and packaging. This allow for expansion into new international markets and allow for broader and more diverse product offerings to clients.
CommercializationBouvry Exports CalgaryHorse2012-13
Product & Market DevelopmentDevelopment of a custom ice cream formulation to create a strong and resilient brand. Village Ice Cream is focused on making Alberta a better place by producing quality products made with locally sourced and organic ingredients when possible.
CommercializationVillage Ice Cream Inc.Dairy2012-13
Market DevelopmentExpansion of the Canadian and U.S. markets are the main objectives of this project as well as to explore the EU market by contacting distributors and attending Food/Trade shows in Germany, Russia and Italy.
CommercializationSuper Dog Treats Ltd. 2012-13
Automation & Product DevelopmentWith an ever increasing market demand for “High River Chicken” wholesale poultry products, High River Farming Company Ltd. has identified an opportunity to expand it processing operations to include a fully automated, state of the art, slaughter, cutting, and packaging facility, replacing a smaller, outdated facility.
CommercializationHigh River Colony Farming Co. Ltd.Poultry2012-13
New Product Marketing & Development InitiativeResearch and develop new ready to eat meals under an “internationally” themed product line (particularly Asian) and designed as a quick lunch meal in a bowl or tray.
CommercializationMountain Top Foods Ltd. 2012-13
Continuous Operational Improvement & Development InitiativeA facility upgrading to increase production volume,  manufacturing efficiency and food safety standards consistent with lean manufacturing principles. Capital Packers will also launch six new pork based sausage products to the domestic market.
CommercializationCapital Packers Inc. 2012-13
Safeway Private LabelDevelop products under Safeway Canada Private Label for every Canadian Safeway store, approximately 160 stores.
CommercializationRoyal Food Products 2012-13
Carcass Yield and Quality, Shelf Life Extension and Production ExpansionExtend shelf life of fresh products through strict sanitation procedures and cooling techniques as well as enable effective data transfer of crucial production information at all levels.
CommercializationCanadian Premium Meats Inc. 2012-13
Market Development LambTargeting and supplying fresh lamb to retail customers all over Canada from Alberta producers.
CommercializationSunGold Specialty  MeatsSheep2012-13
Weighing & Labeling Automation ProjectImplement a digital weighing and labeling system as part of its poultry production line in order to enhance the productivity, food safety and precision of the packaging operation.
CommercializationMijan Equities Ltd. 2012-13
The Bergen Store OpportunityIncrease manufacturing capacity through purchase of new equipment for increased production of the jerky and smoked meat products.
CommercializationBergen Store 2012-13
Process Marketing ExpansionLaunch new “The Mad ButcherŽ” branded trademark into southern Alberta through equipment/processing expansion, product and packaging development, labeling, staff training, and project management.
CommercializationLethbridge Meats & Sea Foods Ltd. 2012-13
Fat Skin SeparatorOlymel is implementing a project to provide their pork skin customers with a product void of fat. Fat will be removed on-site at the Olymel facility with a new machine that separates fat and skin.
Spragg’s Meat Shop - Process ExpansionA facility expansion to create a highly functional processing environment with appropriate flows to accommodate increased volumes, simultaneous processing and packaging operations, and improving product quality, shelf life and yields through advanced thermal processing, packaging, ingredient usage, and labelling.
CommercializationSpragg’s Meat Shop Ltd.Pork2012-13
New Product DevelopmentProject to provide and supply customers with new and innovative products so they can be exclusive and stand apart from the competition in the marketplace as well as for the company to continue to stay ahead of the competition in the growing sector of the petfood manufacturing industry.
CommercializationRollover Premium Pet Food Ltd. 2012-13
Refrigeration System Design Consulting ServicesDesign of the food refrigeration/freezing system for IQF dumpling and other frozen products as a step toward increasing presence into the domestic and export markets.
CommercializationSiwin Foods Ltd. 2012-13
EPI Stage IVInstalling and testing the processing equipment needed for a variety of value-added egg products.
CommercializationEgg Processing Innovations CooperativeEggs2012-13
Value Added Cooked Product and Process DevelopmentThe scope of the project is to refit the existing Fabko Food Ltd. facility and start it up again to produce a value added, cooked ground beef.
CommercializationFabko Food Ltd. 2012-13
New InvestmentIncrease production efficiencies and expand the number of different products that are able to be produced at the facility.
CommercializationRock Ridge Dairy Ltd.Dairy2012-13
Retail Burger ProductionHigh volume product beef pattie production to produce for private label banners.
CommercializationXL Foods Inc.Beef2012-13
HPP EdmontonHPP technology in response to the increased demand from the market. Meat products produced by HPP will allow the company to penetrate markets requiring this technology in view of the obvious advantages when compared to traditional thermal techniques.
CommercializationLilydale Inc.Poultry2012-13
Processing Expansion Part 2Expansion of ready-to-eat foods production. In particular the increase of the production volume of meatballs and burgers.
CommercializationSelect Ready Foods Inc.Beef2012-13
Stirred Food Processing LineDesign, construct and operate a complete stirred food production line in the Leduc Food Processing Center to supplement existing capacity in Edmonton.
CommercializationKitchen Partners Limited 2012-13
Marketing Plan Phase IIProduction of three different sausages; including Mexican Chorizo Sausage, Spanish Chorizo Sausage, and Spanish Chistorra Sausage.
CommercializationBorbolla Foods Ltd.Pork2012-13
Feta Cheese ProjectImproving efficiencies through automation of a cheese vat used for feta.
Commercialization1163458 Alberta Ltd. o/a Crystal Springs CheeseDairy2012-13
Troika Foods Automation of Cabbage RollsAutomation of a highly customized cabbage roll line to obtain an increase in production and significant reduction in labour hours.
CommercializationTroika Foods (2000) Ltd 2012-13
Increase Value-Added SmokehouseIncreasing value added processing capacity of value added meat products. The installation of an additional smokehouse and an advanced vacuum packaging machine will ensure all facility value added equipment can maintain utilization by eliminating bottlenecks at the cooking and packaging steps.
CommercializationHutterian Church of Pine Haven 2012-13
New Processing PlantPurchase of equipment to operate new processing plant, optimizing on efficiency by using automation and lean manufacturing principals.
CommercializationSiwin Foods Ltd. 2012-13
Cooling Packaging, Cutting Equipment & MachineryThis project is the third stage of the plant upgrading. The company is looking for increasing the efficiency of the poultry processing line with special focus in the chicken and turkey deboning operation.
CommercializationHutterian Brethren Church of Ridge ValleyPoultry2012-13
2012 Cheese Efficiency InitiativeCrust Craft Inc. will perform a processing expansion to enhance the efficiency and productivity of pizza production lines by offering a differentiated slice cheese product.
CommercializationCrust Craft Inc.Dairy2012-13
Sushi Pizza & Noodle Salad DevelopmentFulfill the vision of continuous improvement in all areas, product diversification, market diversification & strengthening of existing position, and raise operational efficiency by practicing lean principle and process automation.
CommercializationTetsu Chef 2012-13
Big Bend South Red Deer Store ExpansionExpansion of manufacturing capability with additional sausage making equipment in the manufacturing plant.
CommercializationBig Bend Market Ltd. 2012-13
HWPS UpgradeUpgrade by improving process and food safety procedures and adding a third bank of hot spray which will increase the pathogen kill by 40% from the current kill and increase the line speed by 15%.
CommercializationXL Foods Inc. 2012-13
Plant Equipment and Processing Lines ExpansionUpgrade main sausage production components including the smokehouse, clippers and stuffer.
CommercializationNossack Fine Meats 2012-13
Lethbridge Pork Facility ExpansionIncrease the Lethbridge Pork Processing Facility throughput by approximately 14%. This expansion will fill Japanese customer’s demands, increase the efficiency of the operation and improve product quality.
CommercializationMaple Leaf Foods Inc.Pork2012-13
Recipe Formulation Improvement with Test RunsProduct development and recipe formulation with the assistance of the Food Processing Development Centre to meet consumer requirements.
CommercializationCapital Packers Inc. 2012-13
Expand Retail Customer BaseIncrease the domestic sales volume by expanding the distribution of case ready meat products to the retail and food service sectors within Alberta and Western Canada by enhancing the processing capacity and efficiency.
CommercializationReddi Food Solutions 2012-13
Valbella Growing Forward 2012The project involves modernizing the wetter cutter machine and also the addition of a Bastra smoke house (Liquid smoking system) this will enable company to increase weekly productivity by 20% from the present 11 tons per week to 13.2 ton per week. New bison products are currently being developed because of increased demand.
CommercializationPioneer Meats Ltd. 2012-13
BHJ – Calgary Plant Fresh Slurry Line UpgradeInstallation of additional equipment to facilitate the production of large volumes of fresh meat slurries from frozen and/or fresh raw material. This is necessary to meet growing demand for these products from pet food companies.
CommercializationBHJ 2012-13
Hooyas Sambusa Line of ProductionDeveloping and producing sambusa line of products that comply to federal food processing compliance regulation, including informative nutritional labeling.
CommercializationHooyas Foods Ltd. 2012-13
Lethbridge Stunning UpgradeReplacing the current hog stunning system to: improve productivity, reduce maintenance costs, improve meat quality, improve employee safety, and enable new EU compliance standards for slaughter.
CommercializationMaple Leaf Foods Inc. 2012-13
Value Added Project Development for Wholesale MarketsDeveloping 11 value added products for distribution to the wholesale marketplace in Alberta. Activities will include product formulation, nutritional evaluation, shelf life determination, and label development.
CommercializationFamily Meats 2011 Ltd. 2012-13
Clear Lake Hutterite Colony Value-Added Bacon Processing PlantEquipping and commissioning a bacon processing line in Alberta for increased production of Traditional Hutterite bacon as the company expands into new Alberta markets.
CommercializationClear Lake Colony Farming Co. Ltd. 2012-13
Cooker # 4Increasing production capacity by adding a fourth – three cage cooker to produce more pet food products for Canadian retailers.
CommercializationPuppy Love Pet Products Inc. 2012-13
Production Innovation, DevelopmentNew processing equipment will be purchased to expand production of current fresh and frozen ready-to-eat products and to explore the food service market by developing and manufacturing new bulk products for camps, catering companies and hotel chains.
CommercializationTetsu Chef 2012-13
Trochu Processing UpgradeEquipment to provide more flexibility and offer an additional product line.
CommercializationTrochu Meat Processors Ltd. 2012-13
RTE ExpansionUpgrade packaging and processing operation for expanding branded products distribution and label & formulation services for the local food industry.
Commercialization710769 Alberta Ltd. o/a Royal Food Products 2012-13
ORIJEN Whole PreyDevelopment and introduction of a new product line - Whole Prey Dry Kibble.
CommercializationChampion Petfoods (GP) Ltd. 2012-13
Beef Plasma Processing FacilityInstallation of blood collection equipment in two locations and additional equipment in Calgary to receive and process Blood Plasma into Plasma Powder for animal feed.
CommercializationAPC Nutrition Ltd. 2012-13
High Output Equipment UpgradeImprovement of grinding line in current facility to meet increased demand with faster more efficient equipment.
CommercializationIntercity Packers Ltd. 2012-13

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Alysson Blaine.
This information published to the web on July 30, 2018.
Last Reviewed/Revised on August 20, 2018.