Reed, Tom - 1979 Hall of Fame Inductee Tom Reed

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Tom Reed, farmer, family man and community leader, was active in farm organizations at the local, provincial and national level. Highly respected as a sheep breeder, he became a general spokesman for the sheep industry. During the almost 30 years he was a dairyman, his management practices were noted and copied by many. He was a county councillor for nine years in the County of Strathcona and in 1975 he was elected as reeve. His contributions to his local community were recognized when he was named Citizen of the Year for the Colchester Community in 1978.

Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame main page

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Susan Lacombe.
This information published to the web on October 19, 2001.
Last Reviewed/Revised on November 6, 2015.