| Bentley was developed by the Field Crop Development Centre in Lacombe, and is available to producers through Canterra Seeds. Bentley is a two-rowed, rough awned, malting barley, well-adapted to the Brown, Black and Grey Soil Zones of western Canada. Bentley has high grain and forage yields, that combined with its malting quality should make it an excellent multipurpose barley for the non-scald areas of western Canada. Bentley was tested in the Western Cooperative Registration Trials as TR05669 and FB414, and in FCDC trials as H93103004. Its pedigree is I92125/TR229 where I92125=ND10419/ND11231.
The FCDC yield data show that Bentley yielded 9% higher than AC Metcalfe, while the Coop yield data show a 11% yield advantage. Silage yields for this variety were 8% higher than AC Virden in Coop trials and 12% higher than Seebe in FCDC trials. It has similar maturity to AC Metcalfe.
Bentley has high percent plump and kernel weights. It has good malting quality with low protein, high extract, good protein modification and friability. Bentley has lower diastatic power and alpha amylase than AC Metcalfe, and is similar to CDC Copeland and Harrington for these traits.
Bentley is resistant to the spot form of net blotch and has moderate resistance to spot blotch and the surface borne smuts. It has shown a MR/MS type of reaction to common root rot, stem rust, fusarium head blight, and moderate susceptibility to the net form of net blotch and loose smut. It is susceptible to scald.
Field Crop Development Centre
Agronomic data 2002-2007
Entry Name | Maturity
(days) | 1000 KWT
(g) | Test Wt
(kg/hl) | Anthesis
(days) | Height
(cm) | %Plump
% | Lodging
(0-9) | Lodging
Stage/% |
AC Metcalfe | 97.3 | 44.8 | 65.1 | 56.0 | 79.7 | 85.1 | 5.3 | 161.4 |
Bentley | 98.2 | 47.8 | 64.0 | 56.2 | 82.8 | 87.4 | 3.5 | 127.0 |
Station Years | 40 | 44 | 44 | 37 | 43 | 36 | 2 | 8 |
Western Cooperative 2-Row Barley Trials
Summary of Yield and Agronomic Data for all Stations Averaged for 2005 and 2006
Entry Name | Yield
(kg/ha) | Days to Head | Days to Maturity | Height (cm) | Lodging Score | Test Wt (kg/hl) | Kernel Weight (g) | % Plump >6/64 |
Harrington | 5089.7 | 60.2 | 92.1 | 81.6 | 4.9 | 63.1 | 42.3 | 81.6 |
Xena | 6300.0 | 60.2 | 93.4 | 83.1 | 3.7 | 66.4 | 49.0 | 90.2 |
AC Metcalfe | 5471.2 | 60.5 | 92.8 | 83.7 | 4.4 | 65.5 | 44.2 | 87.3 |
CDC Kendall | 5469.2 | 61.4 | 92.0 | 82.1 | 4.5 | 65.2 | 42.9 | 90.7 |
Bentley | 6064.8 | 60.0 | 93.3 | 87.7 | 3.8 | 64.3 | 48.0 | 92.1 |
Station Years | 30 | 26 | 27 | 30 | 6 | 28 | 26 | 21 |
Western Cooperative 2-Row Barley Trials
Yield (kg/ha) by Soil Zone 2005-2006
Entry Name | Black Soils | % AC Metcalfe | Black & Grey Soils | % AC Metcalfe | Brown Soils | % AC Metcalfe | Overall | % AC Metcalfe |
Harrington | 4904 | 88.0 | 5269.5 | 95.0 | 5093.0 | 94.0 | 5089.9 | 93.0 |
Xena | 6410 | 119.0 | 6110.5 | 110.0 | 6347.0 | 117.0 | 6300.8 | 115.0 |
AC Metcalfe | 5466 | 100.0 | 5541.5 | 100.0 | 5433.5 | 100.0 | 5471.0 | 100.0 |
CDC Kendall | 5577 | 105.5 | 5326.0 | 96.0 | 5489.0 | 101.0 | 5469.0 | 100.0 |
Bentley | 6375 | 117.0 | 5945.0 | 107.0 | 5956.0 | 110.0 | 6065.0 | 111.0 |
Station Years | 8 | 8 | 14 | 30 |
Field Crop Development Centre Data
Yield by Yield Class 2002-2007
Entry Name | Grain Yield |  |
 | <4.0
t/Ha | 4.0 - 6.0
t/Ha | 6.0 - 8.0
t/Ha | > 8.0
t/Ha | Overall | % AC Metcalfe |
AC Metcalfe | 3331 | 4697 | 6657 | 8335 | 5875 | 100.0 |
Bentley | 3590 | 5024 | 7485 | 8780 | 6428 | 109.4 |
Station Years | 5 | 15 | 20 | 6 | 46 |  |
Western Cooperative Two Row Barley Trial
Malting Quality Data Averaged for 2005 & 2006
Entry Name | Plump
(%) | 1000
(g) | Protein
(%) | F. Extract
(%) | Soluble
(%) | S/T
(%) | Diast.
(L) | Alpha-
(D.U.) | Beta-
(ppm) | Viscos.
(cps) | Friab
(%) | Peeled
(%) |
Harrington | 89.2 | 42.9 | 11.9 | 79.7 | 4.9 | 41.3 | 115 | 56.8 | 111 | 1.45 | 90.0 | 9.4 |
AC Metcalfe | 91.7 | 44.3 | 12.1 | 80.2 | 4.9 | 40.5 | 132 | 60.6 | 62 | 1.43 | 85.7 | 6.5 |
CDC Kendall | 93.2 | 43.1 | 12.2 | 80.0 | 5.0 | 40.6 | 152 | 61.0 | 53 | 1.42 | 92.0 | 4.5 |
Bentley | 93.4 | 48.4 | 11.7 | 80.0 | 4.8 | 40.4 | 107 | 55.6 | 95 | 1.43 | 88.7 | 6.3 |
Station Years | Mean of 6 station years |
Western Cooperative Forage Barley Trial
Averaged for 2005 & 2006
Entry Name | DM Yield | % Virden | Forage Quality | % Ranger RFV |
 | CP | ADF | NDF | TDN | RFV |  |
AC Ranger | 10279 | 98.9 | 9.2 | 36.1 | 54.8 | 51.7 | 103.1 | 100.0 |
Virden | 10398 | 100.0 | 9.7 | 36.5 | 55.1 | 51.3 | 102.0 | 98.9 |
Vivar | 10386 | 99.9 | 9.3 | 35.3 | 55.5 | 52.6 | 102.9 | 99.8 |
Bentley (FB414) | 11271 | 108.4 | 9.1 | 35.5 | 54.4 | 52.4 | 104.7 | 101.6 |
Station Years | 11 |
Field Crop Development Centre
February 2009 |