Economic Cost of Clubroot | |
Clubroot in Canola: The Potential Economic Impact of Clubroot with Shorter Rotations
Canola prices have been attractive for many years. As a result, canola acreage has increased significantly. Canola is susceptible to a number of crop diseases, the most damaging of which is Clubroot. Agrologists recommend planting canola one in four years to reduce the risk of contracting plant diseases. However, favourable economics has greatly increased the adoption of shorter canola rotations. One in two years has become common practice.
This report is an economic assessment of the potential impact to Alberta farmers if Clubroot continues to spread. Three scenarios are developed: a baseline scenario that assumes Clubroot does not become an issue, and two scenarios that model potential Clubroot outbreaks due to shorter rotations. These two scenarios assume that over a 12 year crop rotation, the disease gradually develops until it reaches levels that reduce canola yields by 35% and 75%, respectively. The net economic impact could vary from $16 to $76 per acre during the mid and late stages of the 12 year rotation. The one-in-two year rotation has a significantly higher economic loss, assuming the disease prevalence assumption is realized.
Click here to read full report as a pdf format. |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Olubukola Oyewumi.
This document is maintained by Shukun Guan.
This information published to the web on December 11, 2015.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 26, 2018.