Adding a New Production Page to Feed Into the ABA Analysis Template

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 The ABA analysis template comes with three production pages: Livestock, Crops, and Dairy. Sometimes, however, users of the template will be doing an analysis on an operation where the enterprise involved does not fit well into the production pages provided. Examples are the “feather” enterprises (broilers, turkeys, table eggs, hatching eggs, etc.), honey production, the horticulture industry and fruit growing. For those enterprises, trying to fit production into the production pages of the ABA analysis template can be a challenge, and if not done properly, can provide improper results.

There are several ways to deal with this. One, is as mentioned above, to try to make the production and expense information work in the production pages provided. Three other options are as follows:

  1. Use an alternate analysis template that gives the results required. One such template is COBRA Green, designed for use in the Greenhouse industry. There might be others as well for greenhouse production, and other enterprises. If using an alternate analysis template, ensure it functions properly. This is the user’s responsibility.
  2. Where the alternate template does not do all of the analysis required, use the production pages out of the alternate template, and import or transfer the results from that template into the ABA analysis template.
  3. Create specific production pages within the ABA template to accommodate the enterprise you are working with. To do this, you will need to add a blank Excel worksheet as described in the Technical Bulletin #10. You can as well, follow the steps for creating and developing a table as per Technical Bulletin #11. Formulas then need to be inserted into the ABA production pages (Livestock, Crops or Dairy) to draw information as appropriate from your newly created production page into the ABA analysis engine. This will make it possible for the ABA template to process the projected revenue and expense amounts, along with changes in inventory. A full explanation on how to develop these production pages is not provided in this document, as the instruction required would be too complex for this format. As an alternative, this bulletin provides general awareness of this option.

To this point, pages for Broiler and Honey production are known to have been created using this method. A Broiler Page is shown below for illustration.
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Dean Dyck.
This document is maintained by Brenda McLellan.
This information published to the web on June 10, 2015.
Last Reviewed/Revised on May 31, 2017.