Adding a Worksheet

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 The ABA document is made up of several Worksheets. Individual Worksheets can be brought up and displayed by clicking on the applicable tab at the bottom of the screen.
In ABA the last tab is named “Sheet 20”, and contains a blank Excel worksheet. The sheet is unformatted and unprotected, and can be used as an addition to the preceding pages.

In addition to Sheet 20, other blank worksheets can be added to the ABA document. Right click on the tab that you want the blank worksheet to be inserted in front of, then click on Insert, and then on Worksheet. A blank Excel worksheet will appear in that location.

The worksheets can be moved by holding down the left button and dragging the sheet to the location desired in the document.

The worksheets can be renamed by right clicking on the tab, clicking on Rename, and then typing in the new name. The new name will then appear on the tab.
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Dean Dyck.
This document is maintained by Brenda McLellan.
This information published to the web on June 8, 2015.
Last Reviewed/Revised on May 25, 2017.