Animals Mistaken for Rats

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 Alberta's Rat Control Program Main Page
  • We have native species of rodents that are called rats, like the Bushy Tailed Wood rat and the Ord's Kangaroo rat that are beneficial species and should not be considered a detrimental rat.
  • Other animals often misidentified as rats include the following:
Red Squirrel - Body approximately 18 cm long.
Richardson Ground Squirrel - Body approximately 25 cm long with tiny ears, large eyes, and bushy tail.
Pocket Gopher - Body approximately 15 cm long. Note cheek pouches and claws, with short tail.
Muskrat - Bod approximately 30 cm long. Note large toe nails on hind feet.
Wood Mouse - Body approximately 8 cm long. Big ears, big eyes, long and thin tail.
Vole - Body approximately 10 cm long. Small ears, big eyes, short tail.
Bushy Tailed Wood Rat - Body approximately 20 cm long. Big ears, bushy tail.

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Phil Merrill.
This document is maintained by Karen Hladych.
This information published to the web on May 30, 2013.
Last Reviewed/Revised on July 7, 2016.