Jobs in Agriculture | |
| Education and Training | Finding a Job in Agriculture in Alberta | The Job Bank | Opportunity Lives Here
Working in agriculture isn’t what it used to be, and may not be what you’d expect.
Imagine using the latest technology to provide food for Albertans and the rest of the world!
If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, are curious and creative, and want to make a real difference in the world; think about a career in agriculture. To find out more information about the types of jobs available in agriculture, check out AgriPathways’ interactive online tool.
Education and Training |  | The Job Bank |
There are a wide range of education programs for careers in agriculture.
The Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) has career and education information, like how to write a resume and courses you’d need for your career in agriculture. |  | The Canada Job Bank can help you decide where to live and work, with information on:
- skills
- wages
- job descriptions
- language training
- job opportunities based on your training, experience and needs
Search for jobs in Alberta using the Canada Job Bank |
 |  |  |
Finding a Job in Agriculture in Alberta |  | Opportunity Lives Here |
Alberta’s stable economy and innovative business spirit make it a great place to work.
This website has information on how to research job opportunities in Alberta. It also has tips for job seekers and details about worker rights and responsibilities, employment standards and work-related resources.
AGCareers.com is another great resource to help you find agriculture-related jobs in Alberta.
Check the ALIS Career Events page to find more about upcoming job fairs and other hiring events happening across Alberta.
|  | If you’re considering making the move to Alberta for a career in Agriculture, sign up to receive information and resources relevant to you, sent directly to your inbox. A couple times a month we will send you information about working in Alberta, opportunities to make it happen, what it’s like and what to expect living here.
Alberta has a strong Agriculture Industry, making it an ideal place to work and live.
Subscribe Now. |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Gerard Bos.
This document is maintained by Lindsay Rodriguez.
This information published to the web on November 12, 2014.
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 12, 2018.