Industry and Market Development Program | |
Industry and Market Development (IMD) Fund |
 | The IMD Fund is designed to support capacity development in the livestock and meat industry. The areas of focus for the IMD Fund include:
- Support knowledge discovery and knowledge transfer in the areas of public trust, innovation, sustainability and climate change
- Support knowledge discovery and knowledge transfer in the areas that address barriers to industry competitiveness
- Support the piloting or pilot projects of new technology, innovations, or business practices in the Ministry’s priority areas
- Develop strategies and tools for consumer engagement, education and communication, competitiveness and profitability, leadership and industry engagement.
Eligible Applicants:
1. | Industry Organizations serving the livestock industry |
2. | Educational Institutions including universities, colleges and technical schools |
3. | Agencies Boards and Commissions, Associations that are registered and operating in Alberta. |
Eligible Expenses:
1. | Project management and consulting fees justified as essential to the project |
2. | Travel to project sites, to present to or discuss project with managers and/or policy makers |
3. | Travel for information gathering or dissemination purposes or to attend trade shows |
4. | Supplies directly required for the project |
5. | Costs associated with industry capacity and capability development, skills and leadership development, new business model creation, education and training |
6. | Costs associated with consumer engagement, education, communication and awareness |
7. | Eligible capital expenses as approved by the Minister; may include expenses related to the design, development, acquisition and installation of machinery and equipment for educational purposes. |
Funding Levels:
- Funding is limited. Applications completed to the satisfaction of the Minister will be considered for approval on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to funding constraints.
- The IMD Fund provides grants on a cost-shared basis to cover Eligible Expenses for approved Projects up to a maximum of $250,000 per Applicant per Fiscal year.
- Eligible expenses shall be cost-shared 75% grant and 25% Applicant.
How do I apply for this program?
Am I eligible for this program?
Applications must be delivered electronically and one hardcopy with original signature to the following:
Jeff Millang
Director, Livestock and Farm Business Section
Livestock Research and Extension Branch
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
#201 5030 – 50th St.,
Olds, Alberta T4H 1S1
Phone 403-556-4326
Fax 403-556-7545 |
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Trevor Prout.
This document is maintained by Alysson Blaine.
This information published to the web on May 29, 2018.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 17, 2018.