Purpose | Cost | Confidentiality | Use of information | Enrollment | Contact | Partners | AgriProfit$ Beef Economics | AgriProfit$ Crop Economics
The AgriProfit$ program provides good business management information to farm operators, so they can make better business management decisions. Good information is the most important step in managing for profitability.
For more detail information, please WATCH the videos below:
https://youtu.be/GqLNTIYVQAc (Long version)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NPj7p9qlQg (Short version)
Participants receive:
- a detailed financial analysis of their farm
- a detailed economic analysis by enterprise (i.e. cow/calf enterprise, cereal and oilseeds enterprise)
- production costs and returns on a per unit of output basis (i.e. per bushel, per tonne, per pound weaned)
- production costs and returns on a per unit of investment basis (i.e. per acre, per cow)
- benchmark reports comparable by region, soil zone, size and type of operation, etc.
- long-term participants receive their own benchmark report to assess the performance of their farm business and enterprises over time.
- AgriProfit$ applied research information and bulletins
Is there a cost to participate?
No! This program is free-of-charge.
Participation only requires your valuable time when providing farm information for your analysis. If “all good things take time”, then good management information is well worth the time producers invest.
Notice of Collection
Information is collected for the purpose of conducting research on the costs and returns of agricultural production in Alberta. Only aggregated, non-identifying information will be published and made available to the general public and organizations for research purposes. The contact information you provide may be used to notify you electronically of AgriProfit$ program updates or to ask for feedback to evaluate and enhance program effectiveness. The collection is authorized under section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and managed and protected in accordance with the Act.
How is my information used?
Information participants share with the AgriProfit$ Business Analysis and Research Program is used in applied economic research to address topical issues and questions from Alberta producers.
Enrollment is now open for the study.
Sign-up to Participate
To Enroll or For Further Information Contact
Tel: 310-FARM (3276)
Beef: Ann Boyda 310-0000, 780-422-4088
Crops: Manglai 310-0000, 780-422-4056
Website: AgriProfit$ Beef Economics and AgriProfit$ Crop Economics
The Economics Branch and the AgriProfit$ program are partnering with the following forage and applied research associations across Alberta.