Hort Snacks - April 2018

  Hort Snacks - April 2018
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 The longer days and slightly warmer conditions makes one think that spring might be somewhere in the not-too-distant future. Of course, the sudden shifts in conditions are a more familiar sure sign that it is actually already spring. Regardless, the arrival of the April Hort Snacks should be indication enough.

In this edition, you’ll find a few reminders about (not) pruning Elms, sharing your direct market fruit/vegetable prices and save-the-dates for upcoming stuff. You’ll find links to presentations from recently completed workshops, webinars and events, in case you missed them. You’ll find the usual smattering of articles and information tidbits, including some insects and diseases and an updated Saskatoon berry bloom/bud stage pest management chart.

Over the winter, in response to some questions (self-posed) about the true economics of different orchard set ups, a study was carried out to compare a start-up orchard against a fully-operational orchard and a whole host of different structural models, including rejuvenation of an older orchard. A link to the report is included in this edition, for your information.

At the end of March, we bid a fond farewell to our friend and colleague, Dustin Morton, as he moved on to new, grand adventures. His input into this newsletter will be greatly missed. Fortunately (or unfortunately, it depends) I’ll still be around to keep things chugging, so feel free to send questions, comments, ideas, thoughts, suggestions or input via email or phone at any time. And here’s to a great growing season. May it happen!

Rob Spencer – Commercial Horticulture Specialist

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Robert Spencer.
This information published to the web on March 26, 2018.