| This information has been made available by Agriculture Financial Services Corporation.
The June 26, 2012 Crop Report is also available as a PDF file on the AFSC website.
Crop condition ratings are very good in virtually all areas of the province. Provincially, spring cereals average the early stem elongation stage, canola is 6% flowering while fall cereals are in the mid head emergence stage. The cool conditions experienced this growing season has slowed crop development as staging is falling behind long term averages. A period of warm, dry weather would be extremely beneficial in most areas.
Table #1: Regional Crop Condition Ratings (as of June 26/12)

Soil moisture ratings are virtually unchanged from last report at 84% good/excellent. Excessive moisture ratings have declined to 5%.
Table #2: Regional Soil Moisture Ratings (as of June 26/12)

Hay and pasture crop ratings improved to 90% good/excellent. No 1st cut dryland haying has been reported due to the cool early season weather and frequent shower activity. 1st cut irrigated haying is 5% completed. Hay/pasture ratings are 1% poor; 9% fair; 55% good; 35% excellent.
Region One: South (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
Soil moisture is very good throughout the region though there are a few issues. Drier conditions prevail in the SW corner while moisture is rated excessive in 15% of the area in the central portion (Brooks/Taber). A period of warm, dry weather is needed as crop development delays are becoming apparent.
All crops are rated at over 90% good/excellent condition. Spring cereals are entering the flag leaf stage, canola is 30% flowering and winter cereals are in late head emergence. 1st cut dryland haying is yet to begin and only 5% complete on irrigation which is a significant delay from historical averages.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
Soil moisture is very good throughout the region with 92% rating good/excellent. Excessive surface moisture is rated at 8%. Most counties are reporting some excessive moisture with the worst area being the west portion reporting 10 – 20% excessive. Crop condition ratings are exceptionally high at 95% good/excellent or better. Spring cereals average the early stem elongation stage, canola is 4% flowering and winter cereals are in early head emergence.
Hay/pasture conditions are unchanged at 98% good/excellent. No 1st cut haying has been reported to date.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
Moisture conditions are a little drier in this region with ratings of 71% good/excellent, unchanged from last report. Excessive soil moisture is not an issue. Crop conditions are variable but remain very good with crops rating in the high 70’s to mid 80’s in good/excellent condition. Spring cereals average the early stem elongation stage and canola is less than 1% flowering.
Hay/pasture condition ratings have improved to 78% good/excellent. It is estimated that haying will start shortly.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
Soil moisture conditions are declining in the region. Surface moisture ratings have dropped to 82% good/excellent from 88% in the last report. Crop condition ratings remain very good with high 70 to mid 80% good/excellent ratings. Crop development is lagging with spring cereals in the early stem elongation stage and canola at 75% in or approaching the rosette stage.
Hay/pasture ratings have improved slightly to 84% good/excellent. No haying is reported in the region.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
Soil moisture ratings have improved significantly since last report as excessive moisture conditions have declined to 9% of the region from 20%. As a result, the amount of the region rated good/excellent has increase to 83% from 73%. Crop condition ratings are very good with all crops rating good/excellent in the mid 80% range. Crop development has been significantly affected by the cool, wet weather this year with spring cereals averaging only the late tillering stage and canola is not flowering though 94% of the crop is approaching or in the rosette stage.
Hay/pasture ratings are unchanged at 96% good/excellent. No haying is reported at this time.
Prepared by:
James Wright
Business Risk Management Division
Actuarial & Program Readiness
AFSC, Lacombe
Telephone: (403)782-8336
Prepared by Agriculture Financial Services Corporation, in cooperation with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. For more information, please contact the writer, James Wright. |