Alberta Crop Report - September 27, 2007

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 This information has been made available by Agriculture Financial Services.

The September 27, 2007 Crop Report is also available as a PDF document on the AFSC website.

Prepared by:
James Wright
Project Manager
AFSC, Lacombe AB

Despite cool temperatures and sporadic precipitation across most areas of the province, Alberta producers have been able to make significant harvest progress with 65% of the crops in the bin, up from 38% on September 13. Yield expectations continue to be average to slightly below average for most crops though yield projections continue to show declines as more information becomes available.

Soil moisture is rated 18% poor/ 32% fair/ 36% good/ 14% excellent. 68% of the fall seeded crops are rated in good/excellent condition with only 4% rated poor.

Provincially, harvest progress and yield information for major crops are as follows:

Southern Alberta (Lethbridge Region)
Harvest is virtually complete in all areas with the exception of the Northwest portion which continues to receive frequent shower activity. The region is 88% completed, up from 74% on September 13, with the NW portion assessed at only 55% harvested. Much of the region received a minimum of 25 mm of precipitation which will be beneficial to producers of fall seeded crops in the southern portion who had delayed seeding due to dry conditions.

The performance of special crops on irrigation this year has been very good as the year was conducive to good growth, low disease and above average yields. Sugar beet harvest is getting underway with yields expected to approach those of last year which was one of the best yielding years on record.

Soil moisture continues to be rated very poor in all areas except for the NW corner. For the region, soil moisture is rated 41% poor/ 26% fair/ 27% good/ 6% excellent.

Harvest progress and yield information for the South Region are as follows:

Central Alberta (Red Deer Region)
Frequent showers and cool weather continues to hamper harvest operations in the west and central portions of the region. Overall, the region is 50% completed, up from 30% on September 13. Within the region, harvest is 85% complete in the east, 45% complete in the central and 35% complete in the west portion. Soil moisture is good in the central and west portions with over 75% of those areas reporting good/excellent conditions. Soil moisture is becoming a concern in the east with ratings of 50% poor/50% fair.

Harvest progress and yield information for the Central Region are as follows:

North East/NorthWest Alberta (Camrose Region)
A period of good weather early in the reporting period allowed producers to make significant harvest progress. Weather conditions have returned to cool and showery which has slowed further progress. In the East/Northeast portion of the region, harvest is 76% completed, up from 32% on September 13. In the West/Northwest portion, harvest is 59% completed, up from 15%.

Harvest progress and yield information for the NE/NW Region are as follows:

Soil moisture conditions in the East portion are rated 15% poor/ 54% fair/ 31% good/ 0% excellent. In the West portion, soil moisture is rated 18% poor/ 35% fair/ 35% good/ 12% excellent.

Peace River (Fairview Region)
Cool, wet weather continues to severely hamper harvesting operations in all areas of the region. The area is in serious need of an extended period of warm, dry weather as harvest is only 28% completed, up from 8% two weeks ago. Reports indicate much of the grain being harvested is tough at 16 – 20% moisture requiring drying. As expected based on the continuing wet weather, soil moisture ratings are very good at 0% poor/ 6% fair/ 67% good/ 26% excellent/ <1% excessive.

Harvest progress and yield information for the Peace River Region are as follows:

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on October 10, 2007.