Snowfluent ® Treatment of Liquid Hog Manure: References

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 Alberta Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development. 1996 Farm Operations Cost Guide. Alberta Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development, Farm Business Management Branch. 40 pp.

Alberta Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development. 1995. Code of Practice for the Safe and Economic Handling of Animal Manures. Alberta Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development, Publishing Branch, Edmonton. 38 pp.

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Huber, D., and Palmateer, G., 1985. Snowfluent: A Joint Experimental Project Between Southwest Region of the Ministry of the Environment and Group Delta in the Storage and Renovation of Sewage Effluent by Conversion to Snow. Ontario Ministry of the Environment. 126 pp.

Johannessen, M., and Henriksen, A. 1978. Chemistry of snow meltwater: changes in concentration during melting. Water Resources Research 14: 615-619.

Melbostad, E., Eduard, W., Skogstad, A., Sandven, P., Lassen, J., Søstrand, P., and Heldal, K., 1994. Exposure to bacterial aerosols and work-related symptoms in sewage workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 25: 59-63.

Midwest Plan Service. 1993. Livestock Waste Facilities Handbook. Midwest Plan Service, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA 50011-3080.

Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. 1997. Manual For: Developing a Manure and Dead Animal Management Plan. Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, Agricultural Operations Section. 11pp.

Turnbull, J.E. 1983. Swine Manure Handling; New Technologies. Pages 59-82 in Proceedings of the Guelph Pork Symposium. Contribution No. I-474, from Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, Research Branch, Engineering and Statistics Research Institute, Ottawa.

van der Werf, Paul, 1996. Bioaerosols at a Canadian Composting Facility. BioCylcle 37(9): 78-83.

Wuite, J., MacAlpine, N., and Cooke, S., 1997. Snowfluent® Treatment of Malting Effluent. Alberta Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development. 41 pp.


Other Documents in the Series

  Snowfluent ® Treatment of Liquid Hog Manure
Snowfluent ® Treatment of Liquid Hog Manure: Introduction
Snowfluent Treatment of Liquid Hog Manure: Results
Snowfluent ® Treatment of Liquid Hog Manure: Nutrient Retention
Snowfluent ® Treatment of Liquid Hog Manure: Treatment Scenarios
Snowfluent ® Treatment of Liquid Hog Manure: Conclusions and Recommendations
Snowfluent ® Treatment of Liquid Hog Manure: References - Current Document
Snowfluent ® Treatment of Liquid Hog Manure: Appendices
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This document is maintained by Rupal Mehta.
This information published to the web on October 19, 2001.
Last Reviewed/Revised on June 11, 2018.