Canadian Sheep Federation

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 The Canadian Sheep Federation, established in 1990, represents all Canadian producers. It provides leadership aimed at cooperative work among all levels of government and industry-related organizations, both domestic and foreign, to further the viability , growth and properity of the Canadian sheep, wool and dairy industry.

That mission statement highlights how the Canadian Sheep Federation believes it can best serve the industry by working as an advocate for sheep producers and creating conditions for success. This includes motivating a market-driven mindset. It includes coordinating efforts for greater collaboration and communication across all sectors of the supply / value chain. The overall goal is increased value and long-term sustainability for everyone in an industry that is recognized around the world for producing a quality brand product.

The organization, replacing the former Canada Sheep Council, is producer-funded by member provinces and industry associations. It is governed by a Board of Directors and employs one full-time Executive Director. Priority areas are: communications and information exchange, education and training, business development, financial and marketing management, and, good governance.

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This document is maintained by Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on April 29, 2005.
Last Reviewed/Revised on July 20, 2016.