
Crop Conditions as of September 29, 2015
Abbreviated Report
Over the weekend, most parts of the province received light rains which were enough to delay harvesting operations. However, producers were able to make better harvest progress this past week than during the previous week. Harvest is estimated to be 58 per cent completed provincially, up 12 per cent from last week. While 25 per cent of crops across the province are in the swath (down two per cent from a week ago), about 17 per cent are still standing (down 10 per cent from last week). Across the province, about 99 per cent of dry peas, 87 per cent of canola, 80 per cent of spring wheat, 76 per cent of barley and 60 per cent of oats were either harvested or in the swath. Harvest is most advanced in the South Region with 91 per cent of crops in the bin, followed by the Peace Region, with 68 per cent harvested (See Table 1). About 44 per cent of crops in the North East Region, 41 per cent in the North West Region and 39 per cent in the Central Region have been harvested.
Provincial soil moisture ratings did not change from last week, with 59 per cent rated as good to excellent. Sub-surface soil moisture improved by more than one per cent, to 52 per cent rated as good to excellent. Pasture conditions are still rated poor, but have improved in the South, Central and North East Regions. Provincially, only 29 per cent of pasture lands are rated as good to excellent. About 99 per cent of pasture lands in the North West Region and 88 per cent in the Peace Region are rated as poor to fair.
September rainfall has been beneficial for fall seeded crops. Provincially, 62 per cent of fall seeded crops are rated as good to excellent. About 58 per cent of fall seeded crops in the South Region, 74 per cent in the Central, 90 per cent in the North East, 20 per cent in the North West and 29 per cent in the Peace Region are rated as good to excellent.

The 2015 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- Wet conditions slowed down harvesting and caused some sprouting in canola and cereals. However, only late seeded crops and canola are left to be combined.
- Harvest in the South Region is 91 per cent complete (up 21 per cent from a week ago), with five per cent in the swath and four per cent standing. About four per cent of canola is still standing, with 11 per cent swathed and 85 per cent in the bin. Overall, 90 per cent of spring wheat, 94 per cent of barley, 89 per cent of oats and all dry peas are harvested.
- Pasture looks good and is now rated as 33 per cent good to excellent, up three per cent from last week.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture conditions have improved and are rated, respectively, as 51 per cent good to excellent (up two per cent from last week) and 45 per cent good to excellent (up five per cent from a week ago).
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- Increased moisture over the past week, due to scattered showers and cooler weather, caused some cereals and canola to start sprouting, which will likely impact crop quality. However, yields are better than expected.
- Regionally, 33 per cent of crops are standing, 27 per cent are in the swath and 39 per cent are harvested (up 14 per cent from last week). About 29 per cent of canola is still standing, with 41 per cent swathed and 30 per cent combined. About 61 per cent of oats, 37 per cent of barley and spring wheat and three per cent of dry peas are still standing.
- Pasture conditions improved 10 per cent from last week and are rated as 39 per cent good to excellent.
- Surface moisture declined about six per cent from last week to 72 per cent rated as good to excellent. Sub-surface soil moisture is rated as 70 per cent good to excellent, down two per cent from last week.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- Wet weather and cool damp mornings have limited harvesting of cereal crops over the past week. Cereal and canola sprouting in the swath is a concern.
- Regionally, 16 per cent of all crops are still standing, with 40 per cent in the swath and 44 per cent in the bin. About eight per cent of canola is standing, with 68 per cent swathed and 24 per cent harvested. Nearly 64 per cent of spring wheat, 38 per cent of barley and 24 per cent of oats and almost all dry peas are harvested.
- Pasture conditions are reported as 35 per cent good to excellent, up six per cent from last week.
- Surface moisture is rated at 74 per cent good to excellent (up two per cent from a week ago), while sub-surface moisture is rated at 64 per cent good to excellent (unchanged from the previous week)
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- Showers and cool weather slowed harvest progress during the last week. Frost and sprouting are reported in some areas.
- About 41 per cent of crops are harvested (up 11 per cent from last week), with 35 per cent in the swath and 24 per cent still standing. About 19 per cent of canola is standing, with 63 per cent swathed and 19 per cent harvested. About 25 per cent of spring wheat, 35 per cent of barley and 46 per cent of oats are still standing.
- The condition of pasture has continued to decline and is reported as 99 per cent poor to fair (up four per cent from last week).
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture did not change from last week and are rated as 34 and 21 per cent in the good to excellent range, respectively.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- Harvest is progressing. Several frosty mornings were reported over the past week, which caused some late starts to the day for harvest.
- Regionally, about 68 per cent of the crops have been harvested (up 22 per cent from a week ago) with 18 per cent in the swath and 14 per cent standing. Only nine per cent of canola is standing, with 32 per cent swathed and 59 per cent combined. About 76 per cent of spring wheat, 70 per cent of barley, 69 per cent of oats and 99 per cent of dry peas have been combined.
- Pasture conditions are rated as 89 per cent poor to fair, up less than one per cent from last week.
- Surface and sub-surface moisture are rated at 44 and 39 per cent good to excellent, respectively.
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Ashan Shooshtarian, Crop Statistician
Economics and Competitiveness Division
E-mail: ashan.shooshtarian@gov.ab.ca
Statistics and Data Development Branch
Phone: 780-422-2887
October 2, 2015
Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Division’s Statistics and Data Development Branch.
The 2015 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191