
Crop Conditions as of August 18, 2015 - Abbreviated Report
Over the past week most of the province south of the Peace Region received from 5 to 70 mm of precipitations. Large areas in the Central and North East Regions received over 30 mm of precipitation, with some areas in the M. D. of Wainwright and Flagstaff county receiving upwards of 60 - 70 mm. Some of the southern parts of South Region and most of the Peace Region received little to no rain.
Harvest operations are in full progress across the province though the recent rain, which caused some delays. Producers now have approximately six per cent of spring wheat, barley, oats, canola and dry peas in the bin (see Table 1). An additional six per cent of crops have been swathed. Compared to most years, harvest is one week ahead so far. Some poorer crops are being cut for silage or baled to help with the anticipated low fodder production.
Provincially, crop growing conditions remain relatively unchanged from last week and are rated as 28 per cent good to excellent. There has been a drop of four per cent in overall crop conditions in the South Region. About 25 to 30 per cent of spring wheat, barley and canola, and about 34 per cent of dry peas are in good to excellent condition (see Table 2).
Tame hay and pasture growth have improved since July, but still continue to show effects of the dry spring and early summer conditions. Some producers have been wrapping up haying operations, as well as hauling bales. Provincially, hay and pasture conditions are reported as 41 per cent poor, 40 per cent fair, 18 per cent good and one per cent excellent, relatively unchanged from a week ago.
Due to the recent rain, sub-soil moisture reserves in the province have improved five per cent from last week and are rated as 32 per cent good to excellent, while in the Central Region it is 50 per cent good to excellent. Overall, surface soil moisture is rated as 36 per cent good to excellent, up eight per cent from last week.

The 2015 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- After hot, dry weather during early August, cooler temperatures and scatter showers brought some moisture to the north-west parts of the region during the past few days.
- Harvesting of most crops is quickly advancing in the region. Overall, about 41 per cent of crops are in the bin and 16 per cent are swathed. About 73 per cent of canola is still standing, with 23 per cent swathed and four per cent in the bin. Spring wheat is 70 per cent standing, 13 per cent swathed and 17 per cent combined, while dry peas are 28 per cent standing and nine per cent swathed and 63 per cent in the bin.
- About 41 per cent of crops are in good to excellent condition, down four per cent from last week. Pasture and tame hay growth is rated as 86 per cent and 89 per cent poor to fair, respectively.
- Sub-surface moisture is rated at 27 per cent good to excellent, down five per cent from a week ago.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- Most of the region received precipitation, upwards of 50 mm in the Paintearth and Stettler counties, which helped crops to fill and replenish soil moisture during the past week. A few hail storms were reported in the region causing minor damage.
- The recent wet weather has slowed or halted harvest progress in some areas. About two per cent of crops are in the bin and an additional two per cent swathed. About 73 per cent of dry peas are still standing, with eight per cent swathed and 19 per cent in the bin.
- In terms of crops conditions, 20 per cent of crops are rated as good to excellent, up two per cent from last week. Pasture conditions are reported as 80 per cent poor to fair, while tame hay is at 75 per cent.
- Sub-surface soil moisture conditions jumped by 25 per cent from a week ago and are now rated about 49 per cent good to excellent.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- Varying amounts of rain, upwards of 70 mm in in the M. D. of Wainwright and Flagstaff county, helped crops to fill and improved soil moisture during the past week. A few hail storms were reported in the region causing minor damage.
- The recent rain delayed harvesting operations. Combining and swathing of mostly dry peas is underway with 14 per cent in the bin. Harvesting and swathing of cereal crops is slowly beginning.
- Overall, 33 per cent of crops are in good to excellent condition in the region, down one per cent from last week. Pasture conditions are reported as 73 per cent poor to fair, while tame hay is at 80 per cent.
- Sub-surface moisture is rated as 31 per cent good to excellent, up two per cent from a week ago.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- Light showers alleviated heat stress on crops from early August and helped them to fill. Localized hail storms were reported with no crop damage.
- Combining and swathing of dry peas have progressed since last week and is 17 per cent complete. Harvesting and swathing of cereal crops is slowly beginning.
- Conditions of most primary crops are rated 13 per cent good to excellent, down one per cent from last week. Pasture and tame hay growth is rated as 87 per cent and 92 per cent poor to fair, respectively.
- The good to excellent sub-surface soil moisture conditions improved by five per cent to 18 per cent.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- Cooler weather and a few isolated showers during the past week have slowed crop development.
- Harvesting operations are starting in most areas, with two per cent of crops in the bin and nine per cent swathed. Combining of dry peas is under way with 18 per cent in the bin and three per cent swathed.
- Overall, 20 per cent of crops are in good to excellent condition in the region, up one per cent from last week. Pasture conditions are reported as 84 per cent poor to fair, with same ratings for tame hay.
- Sub-surface moisture is rated as 27 per cent good to excellent, unchanged from a week ago.
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Lukas Matejovsky, Crop Statistician
Economics and Competitiveness Division
E-mail: lukas.matejovsky@gov.ab.ca
Statistics and Data Development Branch
Phone: 780-422-2887
August 21, 2015
Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Division, Statistics and Data Development Branch.
The 2015 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191
